[doc] [Fwd: Re: [imp] compose with attachment/s sized 800kb+]
Benoit St-André
ben at benoitst-andre.net
Tue Nov 2 08:38:57 PST 2004
Message seen in the IMP lists...
I browsed through horde and imp docs/ and I didn't find any mentions of
memory_limit of php.
Should we add this somewhere (I believe so). And if so, is INSTALL of
IMP , or Horde, or PERFORMANCE of Horde the best place to put it ?
Benoit St-André
ben at benoitst-andre.net
Mon carnet web: http://benoitst-andre.net/blog/
Connaissez-vous Linuxédu-Québec ? http://linuxeduquebec.org
kendyl peebles a écrit :
> ok, memory_limit seems to be the controlling factor in this issue... with it
> set to unlimited (-1) the compose window behaves like it should and not like
> the spoiled 3yr old that it was acting like before..
> Intention is to limit attachment sizes to ~8mb and have proper notification
> instead of just dieing.
> the following are my quick and dirty test results...
> memory_limit = 8M
> ~400k attachment - OK
> ~600k attachment - OK
> ~800k attachment - compose window becomes blank white screen that never goes
> away, after closing that window, subsequent compose popups never load past the
> 'browser' window frame... cannot log out of imp.. must kill browser window and
> bring up new browser and log back in... message arrives intact at destination
> ~900k attachment - "The page cannot be displayed" error... imp behaves
> normally after closing the compose popup manually. message arrives intact at
> destination.
> memory_limit = 16M
> ~600k attachment - OK
> ~800k attachment - OK
> ~1M attachment - OK
> ~1.4M attachment - OK
> ~1.6M attachment - OK
> ~1.7M attachment - OK
> ~1.8M attachment - compose window becomes blank white screen that never goes
> away, after closing that window, subsequent compose popups never load past the
> 'browser' window frame... cannot log out of imp.. must kill browser window and
> bring up new browser and log back in... message arrives intact at destination
> ~1.9M attachment - "The page cannot be displayed" error... imp behaves
> normally after closing the compose popup manually. message arrives intact at
> destination.
> memory_limit = 24M
> 1.8M attachment - OK
> 2M attachment - OK
> 2.2M attachment -OK
> 2.4M attachment - OK
> 2.6M attachment - OK
> 2.8M attachment - compose window becomes blank white screen that never goes
> away, after closing that window, subsequent compose popups never load past the
> 'browser' window frame... cannot log out of imp.. must kill browser window and
> bring up new browser and log back in... message arrives intact at destination
> 2.9M attachment - "The page cannot be displayed" error... imp behaves normally
> after closing the compose popup manually. message arrives intact at
> destination.
> memory_limit = 32M
> 2.8M attachment - OK
> 3M attachment - OK
> 3.4M attachment - OK
> 3.8M attachnemt - compose window becomes blank white screen that never goes
> away, after closing that window, subsequent compose popups never load past the
> 'browser' window frame... cannot log out of imp.. must kill browser window and
> bring up new browser and log back in... message arrives intact at destination
> 3.9M attachment - "The page cannot be displayed" error... imp behaves normally
> after closing the compose popup manually. message arrives intact at
> destination.
> hmmm following progression... 8*8=64 should get me ~7.7mb attachment size,
> lets add 4 to set above 8M so.... setting memory_limit = 68M
> trying:
> 8M attachment - OK
> setting post_max_size = 7M, upload_max_filesize = 7M, leaving memory_limit =
> 68M
> hmmm no notification of exceeding filesize limit... can push all the way up
> to 8.2M and the earlier documented symptom manifest...
> I can live with that... I think... user gets that issue... smack his hand for
> sending attachments that large... <shrug>
> Kendyl
> Josh Trutwin wrote:
>>On Tue, 02 Nov 2004 07:33:25 -0500
>>kendyl peebles <kendylpeebles at clancytheys.com> wrote:
>>>remove the memory limit?!? hmmm
>>>I'll give a try to upping the memory limit and also see what happens
>>>when it is removed altogether...
>>I guess if you set memory_limit to -1 that it's unlimitted as well -
>>Note, your php needs to be built with:
>>Create a phpinfo.php script if you're not sure if that's the case.
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Benoit St-André
ben at benoitst-andre.net
Mon carnet web: http://benoitst-andre.net/blog/
Connaissez-vous Linuxédu-Québec ? http://linuxeduquebec.org
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