[doc] IMP features

Damien McKenna damien at mc-kenna.com
Tue May 10 21:43:49 PDT 2005

mbox mbarsalou wrote:
> Let's start this in the Wiki.  I will be happy to contribute.

I started a slight restructuring of the modules page.  The idea was to create 
one page listing all current modules which links to a {name}Module page which 
would give an overview of that module.  This would be better IMHO than naming 
each page differently.

Now we just need to copy/paste in some content into each module page.

Things that ought to be included for each module
* Overview (purpose, a few key features, etc)
* Features in more detail
* Installation procedure
* Administrative configuration options
* User configuration options
* Usage

Obviously with this amount of content they shouldn't all be on one page, but 
certainly there should at least be an overview, features list & links to 
other pages on the main {name}Module page.


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