[giapeto] missing $hidden variable, permissions problem

pete pkarttun at siba.fi
Wed Aug 13 10:49:34 PDT 2003


It seems that the line 30 in admin.php is lacking (?) the $hidden form-variable.
I could't get the user permissions for pages set without it.  

fixed: $extra[] = '<input type="checkbox" name="permsarr' . $permsarr_key . '"'
. (($perm & $perm_val) ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' />' .  $hidden;

Some other things (at least in my cvs):
If on any page, i give user  create-permission, he/she is able to create
subpages everywhere on the tree.  

AND: I'm not quite sure where's the problem, which i pointed at in my previous
message ("Undefined index: -1 problem in /var/www/html/horde/lib/Category.php on
line 596"), but the '-1' was haunting in  every site-tree drop-down menus.
Setting the $no_root -variable true in Giapeto.php in function getSiteTree()
fixes it in drop-down-menus. In admin.php I filtered it manually out and get rid
of the error message. As far as i could see this problem is pure cosmetic.
Because the data itself seems to be correct.    

So, everything works fine for now. This is becoming an excellent app. 

I'm using the cvs from 30th July 2003. 


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