[giapeto] generating conf from conf.xml

Kevin kevin at allpoetry.com
Sun Sep 14 15:40:42 PDT 2003


I'm curious if generating the conf file from the xml is the only thing
the xml-dom module is required for, and if so, if someone could send me
a sample one so that I could continue to play with giapeto.

Basically, it took me 3 weeks to compile php into apache properly, and
the last thing I'm going to do is go through that hell again (since I
didn't add --with-xmldom or whatever while doing so).  I'd hoped it
would be as easy as installing PEAR modules, but apparently no such

Hopefully someone can help me.  Thanks ;)  Horde looks like a neat
system.  Its frustrating how non-modular php is with its necessary
recompilation though...

Kevin Watt
Community Manager, Allpoetry.com
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