[giapeto] Re: Another FastTemplate compatibility version.

Kyrian (List) kyrian-list at ore.org
Thu Jan 29 12:21:11 PST 2004

> > It still utilises the "compat_fasttemplate" option to define whether
> > it should allow access to the functions. I'm sure there's a better
> > way of doing it, but it'll do for now. The following compatibility
> > functions are now implemented:
> >
> > define( $options )
> > FastPrint( $name )
> > assign( $name, $value )
> I'm okay with adding the compatibility mode for tags, but I'm not so
> keen on bloating the API with more functions. You're not really going
> to be able to drop Horde_Template in for FastTemplate in *code*,
> right?
Nearly, but not quite ;-)

> I thought the point was to emulate the tag parsing of other template
> engines, so we could re-use the templates without converting them.
> So I'd like to see a patch that just introduces a 'tags' option, with
> one of the possibilities for that option being 'fasttemplate'.
You just need the section that modifies get/setTag(s) then ;-)

Not to mention that the additional functions thus far (outside of the
aforementioned get/setTag(s) bits) don't work as they should do if they
were going to emulate FastTemplate anyway... ;*|

Don't get me wrong, I'm not proposing *anything* by posting that patch,
I needed this patch to an extent for my client, so I had to write it,
and rather than just keep it to myself, I thought I'd post it to the

The list archives will add some more useful matches to
class.FastTemplate into Google, if nothing else ;-)

The above aside, though, it would be nice to have a strict/no_strict
mode like FastTemplate whereby tags that haven't been set are replaced
with nothing, or left unparsed/report an error, dependant on the mode
you're in. I don't think it would easy, if at all possible to include in
the code at the moment, but it would be really nice to have ;-)


Kev Green, aka Kyrian. E: kyrian@ore.org WWW: http://kyrian.ore.org/
  ISP/Perl/PHP/Linux/Security Contractor, via http://www.orenet.co.uk/

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