[giapeto] Viewing the "public" pages

Marko Djukic mdjukic at horde.org
Thu May 6 07:18:01 PDT 2004

Quoting Joaquim Homrighausen <joho at webbplatsen.se>:

> I've got Horde installed on www.foo.com/horde and Giapeto (HEAD) installed on
> www.foo.com/horde/_giapeto/ .. so where would a "public" user go to see the
> actual output from Giapeto (and not in "edit" mode)?

whatever url you use for edit mode is the same for public view. so same
www.foo.com/horde/_giapeto/ - make sure you have guest perms set to read/show
for giapeto.

you could use a mod_rewrite trick to get the www.foo.com/Some/Path/To/Page to
translate to a giapeto page id. but again you'd use the same page for public
and edit modes.

Marko Djukic
Horde Project (http://horde.org)

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