[giapeto] Example site

Marko Djukic mdjukic at horde.org
Tue Aug 17 06:54:39 PDT 2004

Quoting Roel Gloudemans <roel at gloudemans.info>:

> For those of you who want an example of what you can do with Giapeto:
> http://www.gloudemans.info
> This site is build on Horde/Giapeto/Ansel

nice job! looks really good.

> I've still got a couple of issues left which I'll try to solve in the near
> future:
> 1) The "Options" link is Ansel should not be showed for guest
> 2) A block consisting of an image is showed in the giapeto interface, but not
> on
> the website (user rights on vfs I think)

re 2), not sure what is wrong. what do you mean "giapeto interface"? you see the
images fine when you are logged in?

Marko Djukic
Horde Project (http://horde.org)

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