[giapeto] Help on setting up Giapeto

Monideth Pen monideth.pen at qicomm.com
Fri Jun 3 08:34:41 PDT 2005


OK, so are you trying to say that the stable Horde 3.0.4 doesn't support 
Giapeto 0.1-cvs??

Or are you saying that I need to use the HEAD version of Horde 3.1 in 
order for Giapeto 01.cvs??!!

That still does not answer my question about whether I should have the 
manage template files. Browseing the latest CVs branch for Giapeto does 
not show up any manage template files anyway, just the manage directory 

Can somebody confirm the versions they are using on a working 
Horde/Giapeto setup - and whether they have the manage file templates!!

Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

>Quoting Monideth Pen <monideth.pen at qicomm.com>:
>>I am using Horde 3.0.4, Giapeto 0.1-cvs and PHP 4.3.9

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