[giapeto] Call to undefined method Horde_Template

Stacy Dunkle sdunkle at pennswoods.net
Fri Jan 27 10:46:15 PST 2006

Andrew Danne wrote:

>>From a later post it may be that you may need to use the head install 
>of Giapeto. 
>BTW: I still have not got Giapeto running on my IRIX, AIX, or MAC systems
>as yet. So I dont know if this is resolveable. 
>-- Andrew Danne

My problem, was that I wasn't using the HEAD version of Horde. Once I 
switched to the HEAD version on everything, giapeto worked, except for 
the error on the options screen.

Once I seen what giapeto was all about, I realized that it wasn't what 
we were looking for, and have since stopped playing with it.


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