[gollem] Patch to make show_dotfiles work
Chuck Hagenbuch
Thu, 28 Feb 2002 22:52:12 -0500
Quoting "Marcus I. Ryan" <marcus@riboflavin.net>:
> NOTE: This patch needs to either have show_dotfiles removed from
> server.php.dist or needs to have it set to a boolean value. The value
> in the servers.php file overrides the global in conf.php.
Committed, thanks!
Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"A dream which helps you to live your reality with dignity
and justice is a good dream." - Tariq Ramadan
>From pchytil@asp.ogi.edu Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2002 13:28:34 -0800
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Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2002 13:28:34 -0800
From: Pavel Chytil <pchytil@asp.ogi.edu>
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Subject: Re: [gollem] Patch to make show_dotfiles work
I am not sure, but did you miss one bracket on line 249 in
asp# diff -r /work/wwwmail/horde/gollem/lib/Gollem.php
< if (empty($GLOBALS['gollem']['show_dotfiles']) &&
(substr($file['name'], 0, 1) === '.')) {
> if (empty($GLOBALS['gollem']['show_dotfiles'] &&
(substr($file['name'], 0, 1) === '.')) {
Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>:
> Quoting "Marcus I. Ryan" <marcus@riboflavin.net>:
> > NOTE: This patch needs to either have show_dotfiles removed from
> > server.php.dist or needs to have it set to a boolean value. The value
> > in the servers.php file overrides the global in conf.php.
> Committed, thanks!
> -chuck
> --
> Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
> "A dream which helps you to live your reality with dignity
> and justice is a good dream." - Tariq Ramadan
> --
> Gollem mailing list: http://horde.org/gollem/
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>From chuck@horde.org Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2002 22:22:42 -0500
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Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2002 22:22:42 -0500
From: Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>
To: gollem@lists.horde.org
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Subject: Re: [gollem] Patch to make show_dotfiles work
Quoting Pavel Chytil <pchytil@asp.ogi.edu>:
> I am not sure, but did you miss one bracket on line 249 in
> /work/wwwmail/horde/gollem/lib/Gollem.php?
Yup - nice catch. Fixed in CVS.
Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"A dream which helps you to live your reality with dignity
and justice is a good dream." - Tariq Ramadan
>From marcel.selhorst@web.de Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 17:30:37 +0100
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Subject: Horde 3 with Gollem 0.01 (cvs)
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Iīve got a question.
I installed Horde 3 with IMP 4
Turba 2, Gollem 0.0.1 and
Kronolith 0.0.4 (all cvs)
with PHP 4.12 on
an Apache 1.3.20.
Everything works really fine,
the only problem is Gollem.
I can login to my ftp-server,
see the directory and the
files, but when I try to download
something with IE6
I only get that the page
cannot be displayed.
Any suggestions? I didnīt find
any info in the FAQs or the Mailing
Are you going to develope
gollem to follow symbolic links
on the FTP?
With best regards
Marcel Selhorst