[gollem] Blank screen fixed - new error

jrobbins@gasou.edu cssjr04@gsaix2.cc.GaSoU.EDU
Wed, 24 Apr 2002 10:28:29 -0400 (EDT)

Thanks to jan@horde.org and Rich.West@divatv.com for responding to my
previous.  I was getting the blank screen after entering an id/password
because I had neglected to compile php with the --enable-ftp option.

Now to the new quandry.  When I ftp to an IBM box and the list of files
comes up, the Modified, Size, Permission, Owner and Group look great.  But
in the Name field is the entire ls listing for the file, for example
'1 stu 4825 Sep 5,2000 unsub'.  Whenever I try to do anything with the
file it fails because gollem thinks the file name is '1 stu 4825 Sep
5,2000 unsub'.  When I ftp to a Sun box, the Name field is likewise messed
up, the Modified field is empty, and all files Sizes are reported as 0.

The following message appears in the apache server log:
[Wed Apr 24 10:04:35 2002] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /www/horde/gollem/hspace=

I suspect the full message is being truncated.  In the system error logs,
I show:

Apr 24 10:05:03 eagle4 ftpd[22227]: [ID 896167 daemon.error] wtmp
/var/adm/wtmp No such file or directory

This is probably caused because we just started using wu-ftp 2.6.2 and it
attempts to write to the Sun-obsolete wtmp file.

Thanks for reading!
| Jackie Robbins                                                          |
| Systems Support Specialist                                              |
| Computer Services                                                       |
| Georgia Southern University                                             |
| P O Box 8136                                                            |
| Statesboro, GA  30460-8136                                              |
|                                                                         |
| Internet Electronic Mail:  jrobbins@GaSoU.edu                           |
|                                                                         |