[gollem] Index.php - Problems Authenticating
Rodolfo Segleau
Thu, 30 May 2002 00:03:05 -0500
This has got to be something I overlooked. I've compiled PHP with --enable-ftp
and I have proFTP running (I can log in as anonymous or as a real user from any
other client). But, Gollem keeps telling me that it cannot authenticate (wrong
user/pass) no matter if it's my local FTP or let's say ftp-
linux.cc.gatech.edu's anonymous FTP.
This is what's in servers.php:
$servers['ftp'] = array(
'name' => 'Mechanus.org FTP',
'server' => 'sigil.mechanus.org',
'port' => 21,
'preferred' => '',
'show_dotfiles' => true,
'realm' => ''
and conf.php has no berring on this. How is gollem trying to authenticate
against the FTP? With the user/pass supplied, or does it try to access it as
something else?