[gollem] Gollem Driver Changes

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Wed, 26 Jun 2002 13:16:28 -0400

Quoting Michael Varghese <mike.varghese@ascellatech.com>:

> My code does not use the VFS class implementation that Chuck has been
> working on, but it is very similar.  My code is more specific to gollem
> because it implements some of Gollem's functionality using the following
> methods (which are not in the VFS driver):
> *getFileList()
> *sortDate()
> *sortSize()
> *sortType()
> *sortName()

Some of these - like getFileList(), in some form or another - should be 
implemented in the VFS system, and I mean to do so. The sorting is a toss-
up, but there's nothing to say that Gollem couldn't sort files returned 
from the VFS.

> If I were to implement a VFS ftp driver for gollem, how would I perform
> these functions?  How would I return a directory listing so that I can
> display it in gollem?  It seems that read in the VFS driver only returns
> the contents of a file.
> Currently when you click on a link in Gollem, it passes the subdirectory
> name to manager.php so that it can be displayed.  How would I change this
> using the VFS driver?  If someone could give me some direction, I could
> change my code to use the VFS driver.

Basically, the current VFS is pretty basic, and the API is _far_ from 
complete - a lot of what you're talking about simply needs to be 
added/implemented there.

All of this is stuff I hope to have time for in the next few weeks, but so 
far, you're just moving faster than me. :)


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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