[gollem] Re: Gollem Bug

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Thu, 11 Jul 2002 16:56:44 -0400

Quoting Michael Varghese <mike.varghese@ascellatech.com>:

> There was an error in the VFS ftp driver.  The ftp_rawlist() function
> passed in three variables the stream, the path, and false.  The rawlist()
> function only accepted two parameters.  I fixed while also applying my 
> diffs. Attached is a new ftp diff file.

The third parameter to ftp_rawlist was because of a bug in the CVS versions 
of PHP; this bug is now fixed, so I've removed the parameter for 
compatibility. If you have the recursive list problem, update PHP.

Also, it's probably PHP being broken again, but ftp_chdir always returns 
false for me, even though it works, so I didn't commit the check.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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