[gollem] SQL Permissioning

Michael Varghese mike.varghese@ascellatech.com
Tue, 6 Aug 2002 19:57:41 -0400

So far, we have made many changes to gollem, allowing it to use multiple
backends not only including ftp, but local file system and SQL.  Still, I'm
hoping to move this project more towards a document management system that
supports extended permissioning.  I understand that I can use the
horde.perms api to handle the permissions, but I'm confused at how I should
implement this while maintaining compatability with the FTP and Local VFS

Extended permissioning includes the capability to allow multiple users
specific access to a file and also allowing multiple groups specific access
to a file.

For example, I want to be able to give user "john(owner)" read/modify/delete
privileges, give user "rick" read/modify access and user "joe" read access.
Then I also want to be able to give the "admin" group read/modify/delete
while the group "users" has only read access.  Everyone else would have no

The problem I am having is that, if I implement something like this, how
would this be displayed correctly in gollem seeing as how the 2 other
backends do not use the same type of permissioning?  I would have to change
gollem in order to display these permissions correctly.  Are there any ideas
of how to deal with this?
