[gollem] SQL Permissioning
Chuck Hagenbuch
Wed, 7 Aug 2002 02:01:17 -0400
Quoting Michael Varghese <mike.varghese@ascellatech.com>:
> So far, we have made many changes to gollem, allowing it to use multiple
> backends not only including ftp, but local file system and SQL. Still,
> I'm hoping to move this project more towards a document management system
> that supports extended permissioning. I understand that I can use the
> horde.perms api to handle the permissions, but I'm confused at how I
> should implement this while maintaining compatability with the FTP and
> Local VFS drivers
Simple: have a backend configuration option to turn on Horde API
permissioning. If it's on, assume that files (local filesystem or ftp) are
all accessible to the horde system, and enforce permissions in the API from
Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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