[gollem] Problem uploading large files

Jeff Graves jeff at image-src.com
Tue Feb 18 20:26:35 PST 2003

Is there any kind of limitation built into gollem on the size of files that 
can be uploaded? I can't seem to upload anything large (I tried 5MB, 10MB). 
Here's the setup:

Win32 Platform
Windows 2000 SP3
IIS 5.0
PHP 4.3.0
MySQL 3.23.55 (mysqld-nt.exe server)
Horde 3.0-cvs
Gollem 0.0.1-cvs

php.ini file I set these options:

max_execution_time = 2000
max_input_time = 4000
memory_limit = 64M
post_max_size = 1024M
upload_max_filesize = 1024M

My backends.php file is set to use the sql driver and connect to the local 
mysql server. 

Gollem does report that the file was received properly (indicated by 
the "Thumbs up!") but the file doesn't appear in the list of files. I have 
another installation of horde (different website and completely different 
horde tree) using an ftp backend and I have the same issue. Any ideas? Is 
there somewhere I can turn on debugging?

Jeff Graves
Customer Support Engineer
Image Source, Inc.
10 Mill Street
Bellingham, MA 02019

508.966.5200 x31 - Phone
508.966.5170 - Fax
jeff at image-src.com - Email

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