[gollem] Other Gollem issues (was: Pass common set of credentials to Gollem)

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu Feb 20 14:37:20 PST 2003

Quoting Jeff Graves <jeff at image-src.com>:

> 1) Drop down box to move/copy files only contains [HOME]

Necessary function probably not implemented for your VFS backend.

> 2) Trying to move or copy files to [HOME] yeilds a "Cannot copy
> 'file.txt': not supported" error message.

Probably the same thing.

> 3) I have no way of downloading files not recognized by Gollem (ie. a
> .mdb Access Database). Could be related to the [HOME] issue. Is [HOME]
> your local machine?

I have download icons for everything; you only can't view files that aren't
recognized. Not sure why this is working differently for you.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
must ... find ... acorns ... *thud*

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