[gollem] storing files in PostgreSQL

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu Apr 17 17:39:19 PDT 2003

Quoting Sid Keller <skeller at first-texas.com>:

> I've tried storing files in a postgresql database but have not had any
> luck.  I can successfully create folders, but I have not been able to
> upload files.  When I try to upload a file, gollem states that the file
> has been received, however the file is not uploaded.  Any ideas?

Not from just that. Log entries (horde, postgres, apache), error messages,


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
"... It is not more light we need, but more warmth! We die of cold, not of
darkness. It is not the night that kills, but the frost." - Miguel de

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