[gollem] backend configurable header displays

Liam Hoekenga liamr at umich.edu
Mon Apr 28 14:43:35 PDT 2003

> > Ok.. I believe the attached diff should implement this behavior.
> This diff fails to apply for me - can you regenerate it against latest HEAD?

Try what I've attached.

-------------- next part --------------
diff -p -U 2 -N -x CVS -r /tmp/gollem/config/backends.php.dist gollem/config/backends.php.dist
--- /tmp/gollem/config/backends.php.dist	Thu Feb 27 16:32:07 2003
+++ gollem/config/backends.php.dist	Thu Apr 24 23:52:16 2003
@@ -44,5 +44,6 @@ $backends['ftp'] = array(
     'driver' => 'ftp',
     'params' => array('hostspec' => 'ftp.example.com',
-                      'port' => 21)
+                      'port' => 21),
+    'attributes' => array('type', 'name', 'download', 'modified', 'size', 'permission', 'owner', 'group')
@@ -54,5 +55,6 @@ $backends['hordeftp'] = array(
     'hordeauth' => true,
     'params' => array('hostspec' => 'ftp.example.com',
-                      'port' => 21)
+                      'port' => 21),
+    'attributes' => array('type', 'name', 'download', 'modified', 'size', 'permission', 'owner', 'group')
@@ -67,4 +69,5 @@ $backends['sql'] = array(
                       'password' => 'horde',
                       'table' => 'horde_vfs'),
+    'attributes' => array('type', 'name', 'download', 'modified', 'size', 'permission', 'owner', 'group')
@@ -81,4 +84,5 @@ $backends['sqlhome'] = array(
                       'password' => 'horde',
                       'table' => 'horde_vfs'),
+    'attributes' => array('type', 'name', 'download', 'modified', 'size', 'permission', 'owner', 'group'),
     'root' => '/home',
     'home' => '/home/' . Auth::getAuth(),
@@ -94,4 +98,5 @@ $backends['file'] = array(
     'preferred' => '',
     'params' => array('vfsroot' => '/usr/local/data/home/',
-                      'home' => Auth::getAuth())
+                      'home' => Auth::getAuth()),
+    'attributes' => array('type', 'name', 'download', 'modified', 'size', 'permission', 'owner', 'group')
diff -p -U 2 -N -x CVS -r /tmp/gollem/config/prefs.php.dist gollem/config/prefs.php.dist
--- /tmp/gollem/config/prefs.php.dist	Thu Apr 24 16:45:16 2003
+++ gollem/config/prefs.php.dist	Mon Apr 28 13:26:32 2003
@@ -15,5 +15,5 @@ $prefGroups['display'] = array(
     'label' => _("Display Options"),
     'desc' => _("Change your file sorting options."),
-    'members' => array('show_dotfiles', 'sortby', 'sortdir'));
+    'members' => array('show_dotfiles', 'columnselect', 'sortby', 'sortdir'));
@@ -32,4 +32,18 @@ $_prefs['show_dotfiles'] = array('value'
                                  'desc' => _("Show dotfiles?")
+// columns selection widget
+$_prefs['columnselect'] = array(
+    'locked' => false,
+    'type' => 'special'
+// columns to be displayed
+$_prefs['columns'] = array(
+    'value' => "ftp\ttype\tname\tdownload\tmodified\tsize\tpermission\towner\tgroup",
+    'locked' => false,
+    'shared' => false,
+    'type' => 'implicit'
 // user preferred sorting column
diff -p -U 2 -N -x CVS -r /tmp/gollem/lib/Gollem.php gollem/lib/Gollem.php
--- /tmp/gollem/lib/Gollem.php	Thu Apr 24 16:45:16 2003
+++ gollem/lib/Gollem.php	Mon Apr 28 13:28:10 2003
@@ -536,3 +536,40 @@ class Gollem {
+    function string2Columns($string)
+    {
+        $ret = array();
+        $lines = explode("\n", $string);
+        foreach ($lines as $line) {
+            $line = trim($line);
+            if (!empty($line)) {
+                $columns = explode("\t", $line);
+                if (count($columns) > 1) {
+                    $source = array_splice($columns, 0, 1);
+                    $ret[$source[0]] = $columns;
+                }
+            }
+        }   
+        return $ret;
+    }   
+    function columns2String($hash)
+    {
+        foreach ($hash as $source => $columns) {
+            if (isset($string)) {
+                $string .= "\n";
+            } else {
+                $string = '';
+            }
+            $line = '';
+            foreach ($columns as $column) {
+                if (!empty($line)) {
+                    $line .= "\t";
+                }
+                $line .= $column;
+            }
+        }
+        return $string;
+    }
diff -p -U 2 -N -x CVS -r /tmp/gollem/manager.php gollem/manager.php
--- /tmp/gollem/manager.php	Thu Apr 24 16:45:15 2003
+++ gollem/manager.php	Mon Apr 28 13:22:45 2003
@@ -266,4 +266,10 @@ foreach ($info as $backend_key => $vars)
     require GOLLEM_TEMPLATES . '/manager/actions.inc';
+    /* Read the columns to display from the preferences. */
+    $sources = Gollem::string2Columns($prefs->getValue('columns'));
+    $columns = isset($sources[$backend_key]) 
+           ? $sources[$backend_key] : array();
     if (is_array($list) && count($list)) {
         require GOLLEM_TEMPLATES . '/manager/file_headers.inc';
diff -p -U 2 -N -x CVS -r /tmp/gollem/templates/manager/file_headers.inc gollem/templates/manager/file_headers.inc
--- /tmp/gollem/templates/manager/file_headers.inc	Thu Apr 24 16:45:17 2003
+++ gollem/templates/manager/file_headers.inc	Mon Apr 28 13:30:42 2003
@@ -3,31 +3,43 @@
 <tr class="item">
   <th nowrap="nowrap" width="3%" align="center">&nbsp;<?php echo Horde::img('checkbox.gif', _("Checkbox")) ?></td>
-  <th class="<?php echo ($prefs->getValue('sortby') == SORT_TYPE) ? 'selected' : 'item' ?>" width="5%" nowrap="nowrap" align="right">
-    <a href="<?php echo Horde::applicationUrl('manager.php?sortby=' . SORT_TYPE . '&sortdir=' . abs(1 - $prefs->getValue('sortdir'))); ?>"><?php echo Horde::img($prefs->getValue('sortdir') ? 'down.gif' : 'up.gif', _("Sort Direction")); ?></a>
-    <a href="<?php echo Horde::applicationUrl('manager.php?sortby=' . SORT_TYPE) ?>"><?php echo _("Type") ?></a>&nbsp;
-  </th>
-  <th class="<?php echo ($prefs->getValue('sortby') == SORT_NAME) ? 'selected' : 'item' ?>" width="57%" nowrap="nowrap" align="left">
-    <a href="<?php echo Horde::applicationUrl('manager.php?sortby=' . SORT_NAME . '&sortdir=' . abs(1 - $prefs->getValue('sortdir'))); ?>"><?php echo Horde::img($prefs->getValue('sortdir') ? 'down.gif' : 'up.gif', _("Sort Direction")); ?></a>
-    <a href="<?php echo Horde::applicationUrl('manager.php?sortby=' . SORT_NAME) ?>"><?php echo _("Name") ?></a>
-  </th>
-  <th class="item" width="1%" align="center">
-    <?php echo Horde::img('download.gif', _("Download"), null, $registry->getParam('graphics', 'horde')) ?>
-  </th>
-  <th class="<?php echo ($prefs->getValue('sortby') == SORT_DATE) ? 'selected' : 'item' ?>" width="7%" nowrap="nowrap" align="right">
-    <a href="<?php echo Horde::applicationUrl('manager.php?sortby=' . SORT_DATE . '&sortdir=' . abs(1 - $prefs->getValue('sortdir'))); ?>"><?php echo Horde::img($prefs->getValue('sortdir') ? 'down.gif' : 'up.gif', _("Sort Direction")); ?></a>
-    <a href="<?php echo Horde::applicationUrl('manager.php?sortby=' . SORT_DATE); ?>"><?php echo _("Modified") ?></a>
-  </th>
-  <th class="<?php echo ($prefs->getValue('sortby') == SORT_SIZE) ? 'selected' : 'item' ?>" width="7%" nowrap="nowrap" align="right">
-    <a href="<?php echo Horde::applicationUrl('manager.php?sortby=' . SORT_SIZE . '&sortdir=' . abs(1 - $prefs->getValue('sortdir'))); ?>"><?php echo Horde::img($prefs->getValue('sortdir') ? 'down.gif' : 'up.gif', _("Sort Direction")); ?></a>
-    <a href="<?php echo Horde::applicationUrl('manager.php?sortby=' . SORT_SIZE) ?>"><?php echo _("Size") ?></a>
-  </th>
-  <th class="item" width="7%" nowrap="nowrap" align="right">
-    <?php echo _("Permission") ?>
-  </th>
-  <th class="item" width="7%" nowrap="nowrap" align="right">
-    <?php echo _("Owner") ?>
-  </th>
-  <th class="item" width="7%" nowrap="nowrap" align="right">
-    <?php echo _("Group") ?>
-  </th>
+  <?php foreach($columns as $heading):?>
+    <?php switch($heading):
+      case 'type': ?>
+	<th class="<?php echo ($prefs->getValue('sortby') == SORT_TYPE) ? 'selected' : 'item' ?>" width="5%" nowrap="nowrap" align="right">
+	  <a href="<?php echo Horde::applicationUrl('manager.php?sortby=' . SORT_TYPE . '&sortdir=' . abs(1 - $prefs->getValue('sortdir'))); ?>"><?php echo Horde::img($prefs->getValue('sortdir') ? 'down.gif' : 'up.gif', _("Sort Direction")); ?></a>
+	  <a href="<?php echo Horde::applicationUrl('manager.php?sortby=' . SORT_TYPE) ?>"><?php echo _("Type") ?></a>&nbsp;
+	</th>
+	<?php break; ?>
+      <?php case 'name': ?>
+	<th class="<?php echo ($prefs->getValue('sortby') == SORT_NAME) ? 'selected' : 'item' ?>" width="57%" nowrap="nowrap" align="left">
+	  <a href="<?php echo Horde::applicationUrl('manager.php?sortby=' . SORT_NAME . '&sortdir=' . abs(1 - $prefs->getValue('sortdir'))); ?>"><?php echo Horde::img($prefs->getValue('sortdir') ? 'down.gif' : 'up.gif', _("Sort Direction")); ?></a>
+	  <a href="<?php echo Horde::applicationUrl('manager.php?sortby=' . SORT_NAME) ?>"><?php echo _("Name") ?></a>
+	</th>
+	<?php break; ?>
+      <?php case 'download': ?>
+	<th class="item" width="1%" align="center">
+	  <?php echo Horde::img('download.gif', _("Download"), null, $registry->getParam('graphics', 'horde')) ?>
+	</th>
+	<?php break; ?>
+      <?php case 'modified': ?>
+	<th class="<?php echo ($prefs->getValue('sortby') == SORT_DATE) ? 'selected' : 'item' ?>" width="7%" nowrap="nowrap" align="right">
+	  <a href="<?php echo Horde::applicationUrl('manager.php?sortby=' . SORT_DATE . '&sortdir=' . abs(1 - $prefs->getValue('sortdir'))); ?>"><?php echo Horde::img($prefs->getValue('sortdir') ? 'down.gif' : 'up.gif', _("Sort Direction")); ?></a>
+	  <a href="<?php echo Horde::applicationUrl('manager.php?sortby=' . SORT_DATE); ?>"><?php echo _("Modified") ?></a>
+	</th>
+	<?php break; ?>
+      <?php case 'size': ?>
+	<th class="<?php echo ($prefs->getValue('sortby') == SORT_SIZE) ? 'selected' : 'item' ?>" width="7%" nowrap="nowrap" align="right">
+	  <a href="<?php echo Horde::applicationUrl('manager.php?sortby=' . SORT_SIZE . '&sortdir=' . abs(1 - $prefs->getValue('sortdir'))); ?>"><?php echo Horde::img($prefs->getValue('sortdir') ? 'down.gif' : 'up.gif', _("Sort Direction")); ?></a>
+	  <a href="<?php echo Horde::applicationUrl('manager.php?sortby=' . SORT_SIZE) ?>"><?php echo _("Size") ?></a>
+	</th>
+	<?php break; ?>
+      <?php case 'permission':
+      case 'owner':
+      case 'group': ?>
+	<th class="item" width="7%" nowrap="nowrap" align="right">
+	  <?php echo _(ucfirst($heading)) ?>
+	</th>
+	<?php break; ?>
+      <?php endswitch; ?>
+    <?php endforeach; ?>
diff -p -U 2 -N -x CVS -r /tmp/gollem/templates/manager/file_summaries.inc gollem/templates/manager/file_summaries.inc
--- /tmp/gollem/templates/manager/file_summaries.inc	Thu Apr 24 16:45:17 2003
+++ gollem/templates/manager/file_summaries.inc	Mon Apr 28 13:31:14 2003
@@ -3,20 +3,40 @@
     <input type="checkbox" name="items[]" value="<?php echo $item['name']; ?>" />
-  <td align="right">
-    <?php if (!empty($item['link'])): ?>
-    <?php echo Horde::img('manager/symlink.gif', _("symlink")) ?>
-    <?php elseif ($item['type'] == '**dir'): ?>
-    <?php echo Horde::img('manager/folder.gif', _("folder")) ?>
-    <?php else: ?>
-    <?php echo Horde::img(MIME_Viewer::getIcon(MIME_Magic::extToMIME($item['type'])), '', '', '') ?>
-    <?php endif; ?>
-    &nbsp;
-  </td>
-  <td nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo $link ?></td>
-  <td align="center"><?php echo is_null($dl) ? '&nbsp;' : $dl ?></td>
-  <td align="right" nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo strftime($conf['manager']['date_format'], $item['date']); ?></td>
-  <td align="right"><?php echo $item['type'] == '**dir' ? '-' : number_format($item['size'], 0, '.', ','); ?></td>
-  <td align="right" nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo $item['perms'] ?></td>
-  <td align="right" nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo $item['owner'] ?></td>
-  <td align="right" nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo $item['group'] ?></td>
+  <?php foreach($columns as $heading): ?>
+    <?php switch($heading):
+      case 'type': ?>
+	<td align="right">
+	  <?php if (!empty($item['link'])): ?>
+	  <?php echo Horde::img('manager/symlink.gif', _("symlink")) ?>
+	  <?php elseif ($item['type'] == '**dir'): ?>
+	  <?php echo Horde::img('manager/folder.gif', _("folder")) ?>
+	  <?php else: ?>
+	  <?php echo Horde::img(MIME_Viewer::getIcon(MIME_Magic::extToMIME($item['type'])), '', '', '') ?>
+	  <?php endif; ?>
+	  &nbsp;
+	</td>
+	<?php break; ?>
+      <?php case 'name': ?>
+	<td nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo $link ?></td>
+	<?php break; ?>
+      <?php case 'download': ?>
+	<td align="center"><?php echo is_null($dl) ? '&nbsp;' : $dl ?></td>
+	<?php break; ?>
+      <?php case 'modified': ?>
+	<td align="right" nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo strftime($conf['manager']['date_format'], $item['date']); ?></td>
+	<?php break; ?>
+      <?php case 'size': ?>
+	<td align="right"><?php echo $item['type'] == '**dir' ? '-' : number_format($item['size'], 0, '.', ','); ?></td>
+	<?php break; ?>
+      <?php case 'permission': ?>
+	<td align="right" nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo $item['perms'] ?></td>
+	<?php break; ?>
+      <?php case 'owner': ?>
+	<td align="right" nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo $item['owner'] ?></td>
+	<?php break; ?>
+      <?php case 'group': ?>
+	<td align="right" nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo $item['group'] ?></td>
+	<?php break; ?>
+    <?php endswitch; ?>
+  <?php endforeach; ?>
diff -p -U 2 -N -x CVS -r /tmp/gollem/templates/prefs/columnselect.inc gollem/templates/prefs/columnselect.inc
--- /tmp/gollem/templates/prefs/columnselect.inc	Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
+++ gollem/templates/prefs/columnselect.inc	Thu Apr 24 23:43:17 2003
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+<?php if (!$prefs->isLocked('columns')):
+require GOLLEM_BASE . '/config/backends.php';
+$sources = Gollem::string2Columns($prefs->getValue('columns'));
+$js = "var columns = new Array();\n";
+$source_count = 0;
+foreach ($backends as $source => $info) {
+    $selected = isset($sources[$source]) ? array_flip($sources[$source]) : array();
+    $js .= "columns[$source_count] = new Array();\n";
+    $js .= "columns[$source_count][0] = '$source';\n";
+    $column_count = 1;
+    foreach ($info['attributes'] as $null => $column) {
+        $marked = isset($selected[$column]) ? 'true' : 'false';
+        $js .= "columns[$source_count][$column_count] = ['$column', '" . addslashes($column) . "', $marked, " . (($marked === 'true') ? $selected[$column] : 'null') . "];\n";
+        $column_count++;
+    }
+    $source_count++;
+<script language="JavaScript1.1" type="text/javascript">
+<?php echo $js ?>
+function selectSource()
+    var f = document.prefs;
+    var fieldString = '';
+    while (f.unselected_columns.length > 1) {
+        f.unselected_columns.options[f.unselected_columns.length - 1] = null;
+    }
+    while (f.selected_columns.length > 1) {
+        f.selected_columns.options[f.selected_columns.length - 1] = null;
+    }
+    if (f.source.selectedIndex < 1) {
+        return;
+    }
+    var source = f.source.selectedIndex - 1;
+    var selected = new Array();
+    var unselected = new Array();
+    for (var i = 1; i < columns[source].length; i++) {
+        if (columns[source][i][2]) {
+            selected[columns[source][i][3]] = new Array(columns[source][i][1], columns[source][i][0]);
+        } else {
+            unselected[unselected.length] = new Array(columns[source][i][1], columns[source][i][0]);
+        }
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) {
+        f.selected_columns.options[i + 1] = new Option(selected[i][0], selected[i][1]);
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < unselected.length; i++) {
+        f.unselected_columns.options[i + 1] = new Option(unselected[i][0], unselected[i][1]);
+    }
+function deselectHeaders()
+    document.prefs.unselected_columns[0].selected = false;
+    document.prefs.selected_columns[0].selected = false;
+function resetHidden()
+    var tmp = '';
+    for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
+        if (i > 0) {
+            tmp += '\n';
+        }
+        tmp += columns[i][0];
+        for (var j = 1; j < columns[i].length; j++) {
+            if (columns[i][j][2]) {
+                tmp += '\t' + columns[i][j][0];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    document.prefs.columns.value = tmp;
+function addColumn()
+    var f = document.prefs;
+    var source = f.source.selectedIndex - 1;
+    for (i = 1; i < f.unselected_columns.length; i++) {
+        if (f.unselected_columns[i].selected) {
+            for (var j = 1; j < columns[source].length; j++) {
+                if (columns[source][j][0] == f.unselected_columns[i].value) {
+                    columns[source][j][2] = true;
+                }
+            }
+            f.selected_columns[f.selected_columns.length] = new Option(f.unselected_columns[i].text, f.unselected_columns[i].value);
+            f.unselected_columns[i] = null;
+            i--;
+        }
+    }
+    resetHidden();
+function removeColumn()
+    var f = document.prefs;
+    var source = f.source.selectedIndex - 1;
+    for (i = 1; i < f.selected_columns.length; i++) {
+        if (f.selected_columns[i].selected) {
+            for (var j = 1; j < columns[source].length; j++) {
+                if (columns[source][j][0] == f.selected_columns[i].value) {
+                    columns[source][j][2] = false;
+                }
+            }
+            f.unselected_columns[f.unselected_columns.length] = new Option(f.selected_columns[i].text, f.selected_columns[i].value)
+            f.selected_columns[i] = null;
+            i--;
+        }
+    }
+    resetHidden();
+function moveColumnUp()
+    var f = document.prefs;
+    var sel = f.selected_columns.selectedIndex;
+    var source = f.source.selectedIndex - 1;
+    if (sel <= 1 || f.selected_columns.length <= 2) return;
+    // deselect everything but the first selected item
+    f.selected_columns.selectedIndex = sel;
+    var up = f.selected_columns[sel].value;
+    tmp = new Array();
+    for (i = 1; i < f.selected_columns.length; i++) {
+        tmp[i - 1] = new Option(f.selected_columns[i].text, f.selected_columns[i].value)
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) {
+        if (i + 1 == sel - 1) {
+            f.selected_columns[i + 1] = tmp[i + 1];
+        } else if (i + 1 == sel) {
+            f.selected_columns[i + 1] = tmp[i - 1];
+        } else {
+            f.selected_columns[i + 1] = tmp[i];
+        }
+    }
+    f.selected_columns.selectedIndex = sel - 1;
+    for (i = 2; i < columns[source].length - 1; i++) {
+        if (columns[source][i][0] == up) {
+            column = columns[source][i];
+            columns[source][i] = columns[source][i - 1];
+            columns[source][i - 1] = column;
+        }
+    }
+    resetHidden();
+function moveColumnDown()
+    var f = document.prefs;
+    var sel = f.selected_columns.selectedIndex;
+    var source = f.source.selectedIndex - 1;
+    if (sel == -1 || f.selected_columns.length <= 2 || sel == f.selected_columns.length - 1) return;
+    // deselect everything but the first selected item
+    f.selected_columns.selectedIndex = sel;
+    var down = f.selected_columns[sel].value;
+    tmp = new Array();
+    for (i = 1; i < f.selected_columns.length; i++) {
+        tmp[i - 1] = new Option(f.selected_columns[i].text, f.selected_columns[i].value)
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) {
+        if (i + 1 == sel) {
+            f.selected_columns[i + 1] = tmp[i + 1];
+        } else if (i + 1 == sel + 1) {
+            f.selected_columns[i + 1] = tmp[i - 1];
+        } else {
+            f.selected_columns[i + 1] = tmp[i];
+        }
+    }
+    f.selected_columns.selectedIndex = sel + 1;
+    for (i = columns[source].length - 2; i > 0; i--) {
+        if (columns[source][i][0] == down || columns[source][i + 1][0] == down) {
+            column = columns[source][i];
+            columns[source][i] = columns[source][i + 1];
+            columns[source][i + 1] = column;
+        }
+    }
+    resetHidden();
+// -->
+    <tr>
+        <td>
+            <select name="source" onchange="if (document.prefs.source.selectedIndex != 0) selectSource();">
+                <option value=""><?php echo _("Please select a backend:") ?></option>
+<?php foreach ($backends as $key => $info): ?>
+                <option value="<?php echo $key ?>"><?php echo $info['name'] ?></option>
+<?php endforeach; ?>
+            </select>
+        </td>
+    </tr>
+<?php echo _("Choose the columns to display in the file manager.") ?><br />
+<input type="hidden" name="columns" value="<?php echo $prefs->getValue('columns') ?>" />
+    <tr>
+        <td>
+            <select name="unselected_columns" multiple="multiple" size="5" width="20" onchange="deselectHeaders();">
+                <option value=""><?php echo _("Available Columns:") ?></option>
+            </select>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+            <a href="" onclick="addColumn(); return false;"><?php echo Horde::img('rhand.gif', _("add column")) ?></a>
+            <br />
+            <a href="" onclick="removeColumn(); return false;"><?php echo Horde::img('lhand.gif', _("remove column")) ?></a>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+            <select name="selected_columns" multiple="multiple" size="5" width="20" onchange="deselectHeaders();">
+                <option value=""><?php echo _("Selected Columns:") ?></option>
+            </select>
+        </td>
+        <td>
+            <a href="" onclick="moveColumnUp(); return false;"><?php echo Horde::img('up.gif', _("move left")) ?></a>
+            <br />
+            <a href="" onclick="moveColumnDown(); return false;"><?php echo Horde::img('down.gif', _("move right")) ?></a>
+        </td>
+    </tr>
+<?php endif; ?>

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