[gollem] rename not working

Devin Reade gdr at gno.org
Mon Oct 20 19:16:48 PDT 2003

Ok, I did a 'pear uninstall' of the VFS and XML_SVG modules, then
grabbed the framework hierarchy from the horde cvs (thanks).

I then used the create-symlinks.php script.  There was a problem
with gollem trying to find the VFS files, which is presumably a
versionitis problem.  I got around by making the following change
to horde/lib/core.php:

diff -r1.4 core.php
>     define('HORDE_LIBS', HORDE_BASE . '/libs/');
<     define('HORDE_LIBS', '');
>     // define('HORDE_LIBS', '');

At this point, I had basic gollem functionality again.  So I went
back to testing.

It appears that all of the gollem actions work correctly except for
the rename, so I started inserting debugging statements (via 
Horde::logMessage).  Some of those debug messages I can see in my
logs which tells me that the logging system (syslog) is operating
correctly.  (I'm logging at level PEAR_LOG_DEBUG.)

One of the debugging changes I made was in gollem/manager.php:

cvs diff -c manager.php
Index: manager.php
RCS file: /repository/gollem/manager.php,v
retrieving revision 1.87
diff -c -r1.87 manager.php
*** manager.php 17 Oct 2003 18:42:59 -0000      1.87
--- manager.php 21 Oct 2003 01:41:05 -0000
*** 48,58 ****
--- 48,62 ----

  case 'rename_items':
+     Horde::logMessage('in manager rename_items', __FILE__, __LINE__);
      $new = explode('|', Util::getPost('new_names'));
      $old = explode('|', Util::getPost('old_names'));
      if (!empty($new) && !empty($old) && (count($new) == count($old))) {
          $iMax = count($new);
          for ($i = 0; $i < $iMax; $i++) {
+               Horde::logMessage(sprintf('attempting rename in %s from %s to %s', Gollem::getDir($backend_key), $old[$i], $new[$i]), __FILE__, __LINE__);
              $result = Gollem::renameItem($backend_key, Gollem::getDir($backend_key), $old[$i], Gollem::getDir($backend_key), $new[$i]);
              if (!is_a($result, 'PEAR_Error')) {
                  $notification->push(sprintf(_("'%s' renamed to '%s'"), $old[$i], $new[$i]), 'horde.success');

Now from the browser's perspective, there are no errors when I try 
to do a rename, except the file is not renamed.  Worse, those debug
messages that I added to manager.php are *not* printed to the log, which
implies that the manager.php code is never getting called at all.

The only indication of anything on the server side is the following line
in the apache error_log file:

[Mon Oct 20 17:26:43 2003] [error] SSL handshake interrupted by system [Hint: Stop button pressed in browser?!]

A google search for the above error message and 'horde' turns up a hit
wrt IMP that was blamed on old browsers.  I'm using mozilla 1.0.2 from 
RedHat 7.3.  The server is running RedHat 9, fully patched.

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions on where I can go from here, I'd 
like to hear them.  One thing I'm wondering is how is the rename code
different from the other actions, such as chmod or delete or cut or 
        Devin Reade             <gdr at gno.org>

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