[gollem] Authorization and shown backends.php

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Sat Nov 13 01:39:26 PST 2004

Zitat von Mark Elvers <mark.elvers at beckett-tele.com>:

> Hi, I've configured five different FTP server backends in
> gollen/config/backends.php.  I have set 'hordeauth' => true on all of
> them.  If click on File Management from the menu on the left, I am
> taken straight in to the first FTP server and I do not have an icon to
> allow me to change to another server.  However, if I set hordeauth =>
> false, I can choose my server at the start and once I've authenticated I
> can use the "Change Server" icon to pick another server.

Please add this to this bug: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=785


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