[gollem] SQL Backend w/ Home and Root "Folder /home/<username> does not exist"

Rob Rosenfeld rob at rosenfeld.to
Tue Dec 28 17:54:11 PST 2004

I have recently installed horde 3.0 and gollem.  I'm having a problem.  
Using the the following as the contents of my 
horde/gollem/config/backend.php, I get the error anytime I try to upload 
a file:

Folder /home/<username> does not exist

The crumb trail indicates I'm in [Root]/<username>

Do I need to create some directories in the SQL VFS?  I can create new 
directories and have tried creating /home and home in root, but that 
doesn't solve the problem.  I must be missing something simple, but 
can't figure it out.

Thanks for looking,


// This backend specifies a home directory and root directory in a SQL vfs.
$backends['sqlhome'] = array(
    'name' => 'SQL Server with home',
    'driver' => 'sql',
    'preferred' => '',
    'params' => array(
        // The SQL connection parameters. See horde/config/conf.php for
        // descriptions of each parameter.
        'phptype' => 'mysql',
        'hostspec' => 'localhost',
        'database' => 'horde',
        'username' => 'horde',
        'password' => 'password',

        // The SQL table containing the VFS. See the horde/scripts/db
        // directory for examples.
        'table' => 'horde_vfs'
    'attributes' => array('type', 'name', 'download', 'modified', 
'size', 'permission', 'owner', 'group'),
    'root' => '/home',
    'home' => '/home/' . Auth::getAuth(),

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