[gollem] With ftp it seems that 'hordeauth' => 'full' != Auth::getAuth() for some reason.

Edwin L. Culp eculp at encontacto.net
Mon Jan 31 05:33:32 PST 2005

I normally use the file backend with gollem but needed forwards and when ftp
didn't work from forwards, I checked gollem with 'hordeauth' => 'full' and
wasn't able to login.  My slapd.log showed mail=eculp rather than
mail=eculp at encontacto.net as expected.

I tried commenting out hordeauth and logged in with the above username and
password with no problem, so ftp isn't the problem.

I went to lib/Auth/gollem.php and changed the Auth::getBareAuth() to
Auth::getAuth() in the 'full' conditional and that didn't help.  I now have no
idea where it is being set/changed.

In my 'file' backend configuration I even stuck an Auth::getAuth() as a path
value just to see if I was getting the expected results and it gave me
eculp at encontacto.net as it should.

I assume that the problem with forwards is the same as gollem from what I see in
my slapd.log.  and I have no idea what could be causing it.  Is anyone else
using 'hordeauth' => 'full' to use their complete email address as the uid for
ftp in head without issues?   I've looked at my configuration, hooks, etc. and
can see no reason why this isn't working.  I'm also using a head version from
late November and it works as expected.




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