[gollem] Gollem and SQL backend

Marco Pirovano marco.pirovano at unibocconi.it
Tue Feb 1 07:20:18 PST 2005

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> Zitat von Marco Pirovano <marco.pirovano at unibocconi.it>:
>> Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>>> Zitat von Marco Pirovano <marco.pirovano at unibocconi.it>:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> i'm testing gollem (head-2005-01-31) with horde 3.0.2.
>>>> I would like to use as backend the "SQL server with home".
>>>> I've created the horde_vfs table and all seems ok: I can create folder and
>>>> upgrade files, but, i can do this both in my home directory and in 
>>>> the root
>>>> directory, and if i look in the mysql table i see:
>>>> | vfs_id | vfs_type | vfs_path                            | vfs_name |
>>>> vfs_modified | vfs_owner | vfs_data
>>>> |     16 |        2 | /home/mpirovano at uni-bocconi.it      | test     |
>>>> 1107263467 |           |NULL |
>>>> |     20 |        2 | /home                               | prova    |
>>>> 1107265580 |           |NULL |
>>>> the vfs_owner field is empthy. Is this correct ?
>>> IIRC, yes. How does the server configuration in backends.php look like?
>>> Jan.
>> Jan,
>> this is my backend.php conf:
>> // This backend specifies a home directory and root directory in a SQL vfs.
>> $backends['sqlhome'] = array(
>>      'name' => 'SQL Server with home',
>>      'driver' => 'sql',
>>      'preferred' => '',
>>      'params' => array(
>>          // The SQL connection parameters. See horde/config/conf.php for
>>          // descriptions of each parameter.
>>          'phptype' => 'mysql',
>>          'hostspec' => 'localhost',
>>          'database' => 'horde_uni',
>>          'username' => 'horde',
>>          'password' => '*****',
>>          // The SQL table containing the VFS. See the horde/scripts/db
>>          // directory for examples.
>>          'table' => 'horde_vfs'
>>      ),
>>      'attributes' => array('type', 'name', 'download', 'modified', 'size',
>> 'permission', 'owner', 'gr
>> oup'),
>>      'root' => '/home',
>>      'home' => '/home/' . Auth::getAuth(),
>> );
>> Is it ok ?
> Yes, looks fine. If you want to restrict the users to their own directories,
> set 'root' to the same value as 'home'.
> Jan.


what i would like to do, if it possible, is to restrict the users to their
home directory, and let only the user horde administrator to write in the root
And last, but not least, is it possible to a user to share a user folder
in his home directory ? Something like what i can do with mnemo or kronolith
or nag.

Thank you very much.


* Marco Pirovano
* Universita' Bocconi, Area Sistemi Informatici e Telematici
* Piazza Sraffa 11 - 20136 Milano
* Tel. +39-025836.3173  Fax. +39-025836.3160

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