[gollem] SQL/File Backend Driver?

Norman Santos normansantos at elnormo.net
Fri Mar 11 05:17:04 PST 2005

Some what new to the gollem scene so if I step on any toes please forgive 
me. Gollem  is a great piece of code, many thanks to all who have helped 

The question is, "has anyone else been able to get the sql_file diver to 
work correctly with gollem?" I have not and it has been quite frustrating. 
Have read much of the archives on this list but not able to find anything 
relating to the setup of this backend. If anyone could point me in the right 
direction it would be most appreciated.

On a side note, because of my own denseness I have created a backend similar 
to the sql_file backend as I have not been able to the sql_file backend to 
work so I'm not sure of the differences.

The hybrid driver does this:
    stores files on the local file system in vfsroot . username
    renames the file on the FS the same as vfs_id
    the vfs table handles all the folders and sub dirs.
    Use of the rename function to move an uploaded file into the correct 
storage location

If anyone would find this useful please let me know and I will post it.



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