[gollem] Re: Gollem - head - ftp 'hordeauth' => 'full'

Edwin L. Culp eculp at encontacto.net
Fri Mar 25 05:42:16 PST 2005

Quoting Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at mail.curecanti.org>:

> Quoting Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at mail.curecanti.org>:
>> Quoting "Edwin L. Culp" <eculp at encontacto.net>:
>>> The switchable backend is very practical and I've already found several
>>> uses for it.  Thanks, Michael.  Yet another very cool feature.  Before
>>> Michael's changes and totally unrelated, we were using the file backend
>>> exclusively because I hadn't bee able to get 'hordeauth' => 'full' to
>>> login with full email addresses for a long time. Rather than
>>> eculp at encontacto.net, it trys to login as eculp.  Without hordauth and
>>> with standard login to ftp, it works fine.  After checking all my
>>> configuration files, I hope;), I have been trying to find what could be
>>> causing this and/or an acceptable workaround with no luck.
>>> Does anyone else who uses the full email address to login to ftp see
>>> this problem in the head version of gollem.
>> I actually have your original e-mail on this subject still in my
>> mailbox - I just haven't had time to look into it yet.
> Try what I just committed.


First thanks for holding on to my original email for months and for 
yesterday's changes.

I tried them last night after doing a quick update and again this 
morning after another complete update, framework, configuration files, 
etc. and I still am seeing the same problem.  To confirm to myself that 
I may not be completely crazy or have a configuration problem, I did 
the following:
  o- disabled full
     *- went to gollem and selected ftp and logged in with my
        email address and password as expected.
  o- enabled full
     *- went to gollem and selected ftp and was left with the
        login button (because of auto failure) clicked on it
        Got "Authentication to FTP server failed"      *- My slapd.log 
shows the login attempt as eculp
        without the @email or as if using Auth::getBareAuth()

All authentication is through ldap and with hordeauth and passing that 
to IMP and IMAP through 'hordeauth' => 'full' in imp/config/servers.php.

I think my configuration is ok, manual ftp login works with my email 
login using the gollem login, Auth::getAuth() returns my complete email 
in all my hooks, etc.  So now I'm really stumped.

Thanks again,


P.S. Also, to monitor Auth::getAuth() live, I changed 
templates/portal/menu.inc the sprintf line to <?php echo 
sprintf(_("Welcome, %s"), 'Auth = ' . Auth::getAuth()) ?> to be sure 
that I am who I think I am.  I get "Welcome, Auth = 
eculp at encontacto.net" as expected.

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