[gollem] [Fwd: Re: [horde] gollem file upload size limitation]

Rob Rosenfeld rob at rosenfeld.to
Tue May 17 18:24:14 PDT 2005

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: [horde] gollem file upload size limitation
Date: 	Tue, 17 May 2005 00:51:33 -0400

To: 	Vilius Šumskas <vilius at lnk.lt>
<5610ADDCFC4278438BD7C0BD75CA9D1477F3A6 at apollo.eesti.bns.ee> 
<20050516154329.68imyr6c484kwssg at mail.lnk.lt>

Vilius Šumskas wrote:

>Toomas Vann <tom at bns.ee> rašė:
>>I am running:
>>*	Horde: 3.0.4
>>*	Gollem: 1.0-cvs
>>On Suse 9.2 (PHP 4.3.8, Apache 2.0.50, MySQL 4.0.21) and I have
>>following problem. I have gollem set up for two different backends, one
>>is direcotry based on server filesystem, the other one is sql-backend
>>based, set up with table horde_muvfs... Now I can upload files lets say
>>0,5mb and smaller to sql-backend based part, and bigger to filesystem
>>based section. But for some reason bigger files are not uploaded to
>>sql-based part, even no error message is given. And php.ini settings
>>should not be an issue here, if this thing works with one backend and
>>not with another....
>>Maybe few pointer where should I start to look ?
>Check LimitRequestBody variable in apache configuration file. On my 
>system it looks like this:
><Files *.php>
>    SetOutputFilter PHP
>    SetInputFilter PHP
>    LimitRequestBody 31457280
>Might help.
>From the gollem list:

Jan Schneider wrote:

>>Zitat von Rob Rosenfeld <rob at rosenfeld.to>:
>>>>In general, gollem has been working just fine.  I was uploading four
>>>>files today and one repeatedly failed.  It was the largest file fo the
>>>>four.  The page displayed "Unknown DB Error", but I found the following
>>>>in my horde.log file. Any ideas what's going wrong?  The file that's
>>>>giving me trouble is just under 1MB (1,020,799 bytes).  Could I be
>>>>hititng a size limit?
>>Yes, you can set this in your MySQL configuration.

Thanks.  For the record the following entry in my.cnf did the trick on 
MySQL 4.0.24

set-variable    = max_allowed_packet=2M

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