[gollem] Strange problem

Pedro Bastos pbastos at ucdb.br
Mon Jul 4 09:24:48 PDT 2005


	I've got a real annoying problem here. I'm using all snapshots from 
jul-04. PHP 5.0.4 with Apache 2 (Linux).

	My Gollem backend is FTP. It connects well, list directories, upload 
files, create folders, view file, etc. All seems to be working just 
fine. Except when I try to download any file. Well, he does download 
files, but there is some ascii/binary issue. Perhaps coding, charset... 
I dont know. The file is downloaded but the application associated with 
it tells the file is corrupted or some similar message.

	Hacking the coding, got to file gollem/view.php on this part:

	$data = $GLOBALS['gollem_vfs']->read($filedir, $filename);

	echo $data;

	What issues on PHP must be accomplished to make this echo work well? If 

	Thanks in advance,

	Pedro Bastos

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