[gollem] Support for dynamic ftp server names, and configuring show_dotfiles

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at mail.curecanti.org
Tue Aug 2 23:26:41 PDT 2005

Quoting Amos Shapira <amos.shapira at gmail.com>:

> On 8/3/05, Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at mail.curecanti.org> wrote:
>> Quoting Amos Shapira <amos.shapira at gmail.com>:
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> > I'm testing Gollem for use at a hosting provider.
>> > We'd like to allow users to "just login" to gollem based on
>> > credentials automatically passed from our
>> > web-based management application.
>> >
>> > I test the latest releases - Horde 3 revision 2.13 from 2004/09/24
>> > (according to the README file) and Gollem revision 1.6 from
>> > 2005/06/08.
>> >
>> > As far as I dug into the source and googled around I haven't
>> > found a way to do the following:
>> >
>> > 1. Dynamically list the ftp server a user should login to,
>> > either receive it in a cookie or find it through some dynamic
>> > query to LDAP or an SQL database.
>> >
>> > So for instance the FTP server for a user who own domain
>> > "abc.com" would be "ftp.abc.com".
>> You should be able to add some code to config/backends.php to do this.
>> Just change the params->hostspec value to foo_function() and define
>> foo_function() at the bottom of the file and write your dynamic lookup
>> code there.
> Thanks for the tip. It's sort of what I guessed. Your pin-pointing
> to the right line should save me tons of more digging.
> Am I the first one to need such a thing from Gollem? I'd expect this
> to be useful to any hosting provider, of which many must be using
> Horde/Gollem.

This might be something to shoot for in future Gollem versions, but 
it's not going to be implemented for 1.0.

> BTW - the first time I tried to access the Gollem preferences (by picking
> up the "File Manager" in the "Edit Options" combo-box at the top-right
> corner) I got an error about missing URL, here is the URL (as copied
> from the Apache error.log):
> /home/ashapira/public_html/horde/gollem/http://localhost/
> ~ashapira/horde/services/prefs.php
> (I added a new line before the "~").
> Looks like something messed up the URL. A second or third trial
> of re-displaying the page and trying to pick "File Manager" worked
> and I was able to set Gollem's prefs.

This normally indicates you have an error in your config files 
somewhere (most likely horde/config - particularly conf.php or 


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at curecanti.org]

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