[gollem] Gollem problem

Fabio Pedretti fabio.pedretti at ing.unibs.it
Wed Mar 29 03:08:27 PST 2006

I am using horde 3.1.1 and gollem 1.0.2.
I have the following problems:

1) The "File Manager" menu does not appear if I login with a normal user, but 
appears only if I login with a user that has been put in 
$conf['auth']['admins'] in horde/config/conf.php

3) I have translated in italian some modules (passwd, imp, gollem). The 
translations works in passwd and imp, but in gollem sometime I see the 
italian version and sometime the english version. Seems this "choiche" is 
entirely random, if I reload the page sometimes gollem is in english, 
sometimes in italian.

I have used horde 3.1 and 3.1.1, I have reinstalled and reconfigured horde and 
gollem but I get the same results. However the first time I used gollem 
works, the problems seems to be started when I have updated and installed the 
gollem it_IT.po file.

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