[gollem] FTP Backend root

Chris cjdl01 at brokensolstice.com
Sat Jul 1 13:43:39 PDT 2006

Hello again.

I have decided to give using the FTP backend a try.  I am using the  
'hordeftp' configuration as my base.

I don't want users accidentally deleting things they don't understand  
in their home directories.  So, I want the gollem root to be ~/gollem.  
  That way they can't back out and do something they might regret.

I have tried:
'root' => 'gollem',
'root' => './gollem',
'root' => '~/gollem',
'root' => '/gollem',

None of these will work!  I don't understand why...  I get no error  
output except when I click on my file manager hordeftp link I get a  
page that says " Connect to: hordeftp" with a single button that says  
"login".  Clicking that button brings me back to the same page.

I am using gollem 1.0.2, pure-ftpd on an OpenBSD 3.8 system with an  
apache chroot jail (and pureftpd is supposed to chroot when in use as  

This sure seems like it should be simple... I'd appreciate any help.



Here is my latest config:

// This backend uses Horde credentials to automatically log in.
$backends['hordeftp'] = array(
     'name' => 'hordeftp',
     'driver' => 'ftp',
     'preferred' => '',
     'hordeauth' => true,
     'params' => array(
         // The hostname/IP Address of the FTP server.
         'hostspec' => '',
         // The port number of the FTP server.
         'port' => 21,
         // Use passive mode?
         'pasv' => false,
         // Set timeout (in seconds) for the FTP server. Default: 90 seconds
         // 'timeout' => 90,
         // If true and the POSIX extension is available the driver will map
         // the user and group IDs returned from the FTP server with the local
         // IDs from the local password file.  This is useful only if the FTP
         // server is running on localhost or if the local user/group
         // IDs are identical to the remote FTP server.
         // You must be running a version of Horde >= 3.1 for this parameter to
         // have any effect.
         // 'maplocalids' => true
     'loginparams' => array(
         // Allow the user to change the FTP server.
         // 'hostspec' => 'Hostname',
         // Allow the user to change the FTP port.
         // 'port' => 'Port'
      'root' => '/gollem',
     // 'home' => './gollem',
     // 'createhome' => false,
      'permissions' => '750',
     // 'filter' => '^regex$',
     // 'quota' => true,
     'clipboard' => true,
     'attributes' => array('type', 'name', 'download', 'modified',  
'size', 'permission', 'owner', 'group')

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