[gollem] command driver to get the quota

Manoel Prazeres prazeres at impa.br
Sat Aug 5 06:46:30 PDT 2006

I have two questions about the VFS quota:

1) How to specify a different limit per user?

2) In my environment, the "quota" command already have the usage and 
the limit. It is not necessary to calculate them.

Manoel Prazeres (MP165-ARIN)
Network Administrator
Instituto de Matematica Pura e Aplicada   E-mail: prazeres at impa.br
Estrada Dona Castorina 110                Voice:  +55-21-2529-5061
22460-320 Rio de Janeiro RJ Brasil        Fax:    +55-21-2529-5067

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> Zitat von Manoel Prazeres <prazeres at impa.br>:
>> Dear all,
>> I've implemented a command driver to get the quota as implemented in 
>>   the IMP project to have a quota limit per user. What you think 
>> about?
>> I've added some code to the quota.php source file.
> Quotas are implemented in the VFS library, so unless you have some
> patches that extends the existing code there, this probably won't be
> accepted.
> Jan.
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