[gollem] Allow direct linking to files accessable to Gollem

Progenitor texprogenitor at gmail.com
Sun Feb 18 15:29:13 PST 2007

I want to be able to copy a link to a file that can be accessed by Gollem,
and then paste that link into an email to someone. After that person enters
the username/password he will go straight to downloading the file. I wonder
if this feature has been implement and I don't know where to find the config
to enable it...

If this hasn't been implemented, do you think this is a easy, moderate or
hard task to implement? I have about 6 months of experience working with PHP
but I haven't looked too closely at the source for Gollem yet.

Thanks very much for the help in advance!

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Allow-direct-linking-to-files-accessable-to-Gollem-tf3250208.html#a9035129
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