[gollem] New User...

Anant Athavale asa at isac.gov.in
Mon Apr 16 01:53:01 UTC 2007

Dear Jacques:

Thanks a lot.  With all inputs, I should be able to setup my requirements.

Thanks again.


Quoting Jacques Beaudoin <jacques-beaudoin at cspi.qc.ca>:

> Hi Anant,
>> How do we enable sharing, Is it using Permissions on Backends?
> Yes
> (I think Gollem knows nothing about file sharing on backends)
>> I want to clarify few more things.  Currently, I am using file as
>> backend.  All files are written with ownership as apache:apache.  Is
>> this the reason, every user has permission to read/delete/edit etc.
> Yes
>> If I use SQL backend, whether this issue is addressed automatically?
> Automatically... i don't think so
> I don't use SQL backend to store file,
> i use proftpd to store files on unix... and maby thats what you whant...
> For me, all files are store as 5500:5500 users on unix
> (It could be apache:apache)
> Bare with me this is what I do....  it's home made......
> ..... and maby you can adapt this for you
> I have on terabyte of ftp space.
> My imap server is dbmail and dbmail is mysql base.
> I run proftpd compile with mysql and clamav.
> One thing about proftpd it that it can be many virtual ftp server.
> Users don't and can't share there personnals unix directory
> pointed by the "PERSONNELS ftp server"
> because they are chroot by proftpd
> Users have full read/write acces to there "group" unix directory
> pointed by  "ECOLES/SERVICES ftp server"
> and are chroot to that group directory
> Users have read only acces to the "School Board" unix directory
> pointed by "CSPI ftp server"
> and are chroot to that directory
> Users have read only acces to the "tutorials" directory in my
> "TUTORIELS ftp server"
> and are chroot to that directory
> My users have full acces to the "in transit" files in my
> "EN TRANSIT ftp server"
> and are chroot to that directory
> etc.. etc... for ftp servers
> I have virus scaning because proftpd is compile to use clamav.
> I have mysql authentication to my dbmail imap server because
> proftp is compile to use mysql.
> I could have quota for each users if I compile proftpd
> to use mysql quotas..... but after thinkink....
> i only have "ONE QUOTA",
> I don't whant "ALL MY USERS" to use "ALL MY TERABYTE"
> If and when my ftp space gets to 75% i will write a script
> to send automatic email-notice via cron
> ============================
> ServerType              standalone
> MaxInstances            30
> UseReverseDNS           off
> IdentLookups            off
> <Global>
> DefaultRoot             ~
> Umask                   022
> User                    nobody
> Group                   nogroup
> ServerIdent             off
> DeferWelcome            on
> AllowStoreRestart       on
> AllowOverwrite          on
> SQLAuthTypes            Plaintext Crypt
> SQLAuthenticate         users*
> SQLConnectInfo          dbmail at localhost xxxx xxxxx
> SQLHomedirOnDemand      on
> SQLMinID                500
> RootLogin               off
> RequireValidShell       off
> </Global>
> #
> #   This ftp server is use to store users personnal files
> #
> <VirtualHost>
> DefaultServer           on
> ServerName              ""
> ServerAdmin             jacques-beaudoin at cspi.qc.ca
> Port                    21
> ClamAV                  on
> ClamLocalSocket         /var/run/clamav/clamd
> MaxStoreFileSize        50 Mb
> SQLNamedQuery           info1 SELECT "userid, passwd, concat('5500'),
> concat('5500'), CONCAT('/proftpd/',userid), concat('/sbin/nologin')
> FROM dbmail_users WHERE userid = '%U'"
> SQLUserInfo             custom:/info1
> </VirtualHost>
> #
> #   This ftp server is use to store users group files
> #
> <VirtualHost>
> ServerName              ""
> ServerAdmin             jacques-beaudoin at cspi.qc.ca
> Port                    21
> ClamAV                  on
> ClamLocalSocket         /var/run/clamav/clamd
> MaxStoreFileSize        50 Mb
> SQLNamedQuery           info1 SELECT "userid, passwd, concat('5500'),
> concat('5500'), CONCAT('/proftpd/',ftpdir), concat('/sbin/nologin')
> FROM dbmail_users WHERE userid = '%U' AND ftpdir != '%U'"
> SQLUserInfo             custom:/info1
> </VirtualHost>
> #
> #   FTP: CSPI
> #   This ftp server is use to store School Board read only files
> #
> <VirtualHost>
> ServerName              ""
> ServerAdmin             jacques-beaudoin at cspi.qc.ca
> Port                    21
> ClamAV                  on
> ClamLocalSocket         /var/run/clamav/clamd
> MaxStoreFileSize        50 Mb
> SQLNamedQuery           info1 SELECT "userid, passwd, concat('5500'),
> concat('5500'), CONCAT('/proftpd/repertoire-la-cspi'),
> concat('/sbin/nologin') FROM dbmail_users WHERE userid = '%U'"
> SQLUserInfo             custom:/info1
> <Limit WRITE>
> AllowUser jacques-beaudoin
> AllowUser micheline-robert
> # AllowGroup ftpgroup
> DenyAll
> </Limit>
> </VirtualHost>
> #
> #   This ftp server is use to store School Board tutotials read only files
> #
> <VirtualHost>
> ServerName              ""
> ServerAdmin             jacques-beaudoin at cspi.qc.ca
> Port                    21
> ClamAV                  on
> ClamLocalSocket         /var/run/clamav/clamd
> MaxStoreFileSize        50 Mb
> SQLNamedQuery           info1 SELECT "userid, passwd, concat('5500'),
> concat('5500'), CONCAT('/proftpd/repertoire-tutoriels'),
> concat('/sbin/nologin') FROM dbmail_users WHERE userid = '%U'"
> SQLUserInfo             custom:/info1
> <Limit WRITE>
> AllowUser jacques-beaudoin
> AllowUser france-brochu
> AllowUser francois-rivest
> # AllowGroup ftpgroup
> DenyAll
> </Limit>
> </VirtualHost>
> #
> #   This ftp server is use to store School Board in transit files
> #   This ftp is to let horde users echange "NON CONFIDENTIAL" files
> #   Files in this ftp server are automaticaly deleted via a cron job
> #   after 30 minutes
> #
> <VirtualHost>
> ServerName              ""
> ServerAdmin             jacques-beaudoin at cspi.qc.ca
> Port                    21
> ClamAV                  on
> ClamLocalSocket         /var/run/clamav/clamd
> MaxStoreFileSize        200 Mb
> SQLNamedQuery           info1 SELECT "userid, passwd, concat('5500'),
> concat('5500'), CONCAT('/proftpd/repertoire-en-transit'),
> concat('/sbin/nologin') FROM dbmail_users WHERE userid = '%U'"
> SQLUserInfo             custom:/info1
> </VirtualHost>
> ==========================
> <?php
> /**
>  * $Horde: gollem/config/backends.php.dist,v 2006/02/22
> 06:48:37 slusarz Exp $
>  *
>  * This file is where you specify what backends people using your
>  * installation of Gollem can log in to. There are a number of properties
>  * that you can set for each backend:
>  *
>  * name: This is the plaintext name that you want displayed if you are using
>  *       the drop down server list.
>  *
>  * driver: The VFS (Virtual File System) driver to use to connect.
>  *         Valid options:
>  *           'file'  --  Work with a local file system.
>  *           'ftp'   --  Connect to a FTP server.
>  *           'sql'   --  Connect to VFS filesystem stored in SQL database.
>  *
>  * preferred: This is only useful if you want to use the same backend.php
>  *            file for different machines: if the hostname of the Gollem
>  *            machine is identical to one of those in the preferred list,
>  *            then the corresponding option in the select box will include
>  *            SELECTED, i.e. it is selected by default. Otherwise the
>  *            first entry in the list is selected.
>  *
>  * hordeauth: If this parameter is present and true, then Gollem will attempt
>  *            to use the user's existing credentials (the username/password
>  *            they used to log in to Horde) to log in to this source. If this
>  *            parameter is 'full', the username will be used unmodified;
>  *            otherwise, everything after and including the first @ in the
>  *            username will be stripped before attempting authentication.
>  *
>  * params: A parameters array containing any additional information that the
>  *         VFS driver needs.
>  *
>  * loginparams: A list of parameters that can be changed by the user on the
>  *              login screen.  The key is the parameter name that can be
>  *              changed, the value is the text that will be displayed next to
>  *              the entry box on the login screen.
>  *
>  * root: The directory that will be the "top" or "root" directory, being the
>  *       topmost directory where users can change to. This is in addition to
>  *       a vfsroot parameter set in the params array.
>  *
>  * home: The directory that will be used as home directory for the user.
>  *       This parameter will overrule a home parameter in the params array.
>  *       If empty, this will default to the active working directory
>  *       immediately after logging into the VFS backend (i.e. for ftp,
>  *       this will most likely be ~user, for SQL based VFS backends,
>  *       this will probably be the root directory).
>  *
>  * createhome: If this parameter is set to true, and the home directory does
>  *             not exist, attempt to create the home directory on login.
>  *
>  * permissions: The default permissions to set for newly created folders
>  *              and files. This parameter will only take affect if the VFS
>  *              backend supports file permissions. If empty, the permissions
>  *              will be set by default by the VFS backend.
>  *
>  * filter: If set, all files that match the regex will be hidden in the
>  *         folder view.  The regex must be in pcre syntax (See
>  *         http://www.php.net/pcre).
>  *
>  * quota: If set, turn on VFS quota checking for the backend if it supports
>  *        it.  The entry must be in the following format:
>  *          size [metric]
>  *        metric = B (bytes), KB (kilobytes), MB (megabytes), GB (gigabytes)
>  *        If no metric is given, bytes are assumed.
>  *        Examples: "2 MB", "2048 B", "1.5 GB"
>  *        If false or not set, quota support is disabled.
>  *
>  *        ** For quotas to work, you must be using a version of Horde **
>  *        ** that contains VFS quota support.                         **
>  *
>  * clipboard: If set, allows the user to cut/copy/paste files. Since not all
>  *            VFS backends have support for the necessary commands, and there
>  *            is no way to auto-detect which backends do have support, this
>  *            option must be manually set. True enables clipboard support,
>  *            false (the default) disables support. In the examples below,
>  *            clipboard has been enabled in all VFS backends that have
>  *            cut/copy/paste support since the initial release of Horde 3.0.
>  *            For all other backends, you will have to manually check and
>  *            see if your current VFS version/backend supports the necessary
>  *            commands.
>  *
>  * attributes: The list of attributes that the driver supports. Available
>  *             attributes:
>  *               'download'
>  *               'group'
>  *               'modified'
>  *               'name'
>  *               'owner'
>  *               'permission'
>  *               'size'
>  *               'type'
> */
> $backends['PERSONNELS'] = array(
>     'name' => 'PERSONNELS',         # CSPI
>     'driver' => 'ftp',
>     'preferred' => '',
>     'hordeauth' => true,            # CSPI
>     'params' => array(
>     'hostspec' => '',  # CSPI  The hostname/IP Address of
> the FTP server
>     'port' => 21,                   #       The port number of the FTP server
>     'pasv' => false,                #       Use passive mode?
>     'timeout' => 90,                #       Set timeout (in seconds)
> for the FTP server.
>         // If true and the POSIX extension is available the driver will map
>         // the user and group IDs returned from the FTP server with the local
>         // IDs from the local password file.  This is useful only if the FTP
>         // server is running on localhost or if the local user/group
>         // IDs are identical to the remote FTP server.
>         // 'maplocalids' => true
>     ),
>     'loginparams' => array(
>         // Allow the user to change the FTP server
>         // 'hostspec' => 'Hostname',
>         // Allow the user to change the FTP port
>         // 'port' => 'Port'
>     ),
>     // 'root' => '',
>     // 'home' => '',
>     // 'createhome' => false,
>     'permissions' => '',   # 750 CSPI
>     // 'filter' => '^regex$',
>     'quota' => false,
>     'clipboard' => false,  # CSPI
>     // 'attributes' => array('type', 'name', 'download', 'modified',
> 'size', 'permission', 'owner', 'group')
>     'attributes' => array('name', 'download', 'modified', 'size')  # CSPI
> );
> $backends['ECOLE'] = array(
>     'name' => 'ÉCOLE/SERVICE',   # CSPI
>     'driver' => 'ftp',
>     'preferred' => '',
>     'hordeauth' => true,                # CSPI
>     'params' => array(
>     'hostspec' => '',      # CSPI  The hostname/IP Address
> of the FTP server
>     'port' => 21,                       #       The port number of the
> FTP server
>     'pasv' => false,                    #       Use passive mode?
>     'timeout' => 90,                    #       Set timeout (in
> seconds) for the FTP server.
>         // If true and the POSIX extension is available the driver will map
>         // the user and group IDs returned from the FTP server with the local
>         // IDs from the local password file.  This is useful only if the FTP
>         // server is running on localhost or if the local user/group
>         // IDs are identical to the remote FTP server.
>         // 'maplocalids' => true
>     ),
>     'loginparams' => array(
>         // Allow the user to change the FTP server
>         // 'hostspec' => 'Hostname',
>         // Allow the user to change the FTP port
>         // 'port' => 'Port'
>     ),
>     // 'root' => '',
>     // 'home' => '',
>     // 'createhome' => false,
>     'permissions' => '',   # 750 CSPI
>     // 'filter' => '^regex$',
>     'quota' => false,
>     'clipboard' => false,  # CSPI
>     // 'attributes' => array('type', 'name', 'download', 'modified',
> 'size', 'permission', 'owner', 'group')
>     'attributes' => array('name', 'download', 'modified', 'size')  # CSPI
> );
> $backends['CSPI'] = array(
>     'name' => 'CSPI',               # CSPI
>     'driver' => 'ftp',
>     'preferred' => '',
>     'hordeauth' => true,            # CSPI
>     'params' => array(
>     'hostspec' => '',  # CSPI  The hostname/IP Address of
> the FTP server
>     'port' => 21,                   #       The port number of the FTP server
>     'pasv' => false,                #       Use passive mode?
>     'timeout' => 90,                #       Set timeout (in seconds)
> for the FTP server.
>         // If true and the POSIX extension is available the driver will map
>         // the user and group IDs returned from the FTP server with the local
>         // IDs from the local password file.  This is useful only if the FTP
>         // server is running on localhost or if the local user/group
>         // IDs are identical to the remote FTP server.
>         // 'maplocalids' => true
>     ),
>     'loginparams' => array(
>         // Allow the user to change the FTP server
>         // 'hostspec' => 'Hostname',
>         // Allow the user to change the FTP port
>         // 'port' => 'Port'
>     ),
>     // 'root' => '',
>     // 'home' => '',
>     // 'createhome' => false,
>     'permissions' => '',   # 750 CSPI
>     // 'filter' => '^regex$',
>     'quota' => false,
>     'clipboard' => false,  # CSPI
>     // 'attributes' => array('type', 'name', 'download', 'modified',
> 'size', 'permission', 'owner', 'group')
>     'attributes' => array('name', 'download', 'modified', 'size')  # CSPI
> );
> $backends['TUTORIELS'] = array(
>     'name' => 'TUTORIELS',               # CSPI
>     'driver' => 'ftp',
>     'preferred' => '',
>     'hordeauth' => true,            # CSPI
>     'params' => array(
>     'hostspec' => '',  # CSPI  The hostname/IP Address of
> the FTP server
>     'port' => 21,                   #       The port number of the FTP server
>     'pasv' => false,                #       Use passive mode?
>     'timeout' => 90,                #       Set timeout (in seconds)
> for the FTP server.
>         // If true and the POSIX extension is available the driver will map
>         // the user and group IDs returned from the FTP server with the local
>         // IDs from the local password file.  This is useful only if the FTP
>         // server is running on localhost or if the local user/group
>         // IDs are identical to the remote FTP server.
>         // 'maplocalids' => true
>     ),
>     'loginparams' => array(
>         // Allow the user to change the FTP server
>         // 'hostspec' => 'Hostname',
>         // Allow the user to change the FTP port
>         // 'port' => 'Port'
>     ),
>     // 'root' => '',
>     // 'home' => '',
>     // 'createhome' => false,
>     'permissions' => '',   # 750 CSPI
>     // 'filter' => '^regex$',
>     'quota' => false,
>     'clipboard' => false,  # CSPI
>     // 'attributes' => array('type', 'name', 'download', 'modified',
> 'size', 'permission', 'owner', 'group')
>     'attributes' => array('name', 'download', 'modified', 'size')  # CSPI
> );
> $backends['TRANSIT'] = array(
>     'name' => 'EN TRANSIT',               # CSPI
>     'driver' => 'ftp',
>     'preferred' => '',
>     'hordeauth' => true,            # CSPI
>     'params' => array(
>     'hostspec' => '',  # CSPI  The hostname/IP Address of
> the FTP server
>     'port' => 21,                   #       The port number of the FTP server
>     'pasv' => false,                #       Use passive mode?
>     'timeout' => 90,                #       Set timeout (in seconds)
> for the FTP server.
>         // If true and the POSIX extension is available the driver will map
>         // the user and group IDs returned from the FTP server with the local
>         // IDs from the local password file.  This is useful only if the FTP
>         // server is running on localhost or if the local user/group
>         // IDs are identical to the remote FTP server.
>         // 'maplocalids' => true
>     ),
>     'loginparams' => array(
>         // Allow the user to change the FTP server
>         // 'hostspec' => 'Hostname',
>         // Allow the user to change the FTP port
>         // 'port' => 'Port'
>     ),
>     // 'root' => '',
>     // 'home' => '',
>     // 'createhome' => false,
>     'permissions' => '',   # 750 CSPI
>     // 'filter' => '^regex$',
>     'quota' => false,
>     'clipboard' => false,  # CSPI
>     // 'attributes' => array('type', 'name', 'download', 'modified',
> 'size', 'permission', 'owner', 'group')
>     'attributes' => array('name', 'download', 'modified', 'size')  # CSPI
> );
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Ce message a été acheminé par le Webmail de la CSPI.


Anant Athavale.

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