[gollem] Restricting users to their home dir’s

Markus Krause krause at biochem.mpg.de
Fri May 11 20:58:57 UTC 2007

Zitat von Sam Moore <samuel_eric_moore at hotmail.com>:
> Horde 3.1.3
> gollem 1.0.2

Horde 3.1.4
Gollem 1.0.3

> I’m trying to lock users down so they can only view their home dir’s  
>  I’ve tried various incarnations of the ‘root’ statement to no avail.
> Has anyone got this working?

Yes, we do it here with the following settings in  
$backends['file'] = array(
     'name' => 'Virtual Home',
     'driver' => 'file',
     'preferred' => '',
     'hordeauth' => false,
     'params' => array(
         'vfsroot' => '/var/horde-vfs/home/' . Auth::getAuth(),
     'loginparams' => array(),
     'root' => '/',
     'home' => '/',
     'createhome' => false,
     'quota' => false,
     'clipboard' => true,
     'attributes' => array('type', 'name', 'download', 'modified', 'size')

there may be other and even better ways to do this :-)


| Markus Krause, Mogli-Soft                                       |
| Support for Mac OS X, Webmail/Horde, LDAP, RADIUS, MySQL        |
| by order of the                                                 |
|    Computing Center of the Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry |
| E-Mail: krause at biochem.mpg.de  |  Tel.: 089 - 89 40 85 99       |
|         markus.krause at mac.com  |  Fax.: 089 - 89 40 85 98       |
|  Skype: markus.krause          | iChat: markus.krause at mac.com   |

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