[gollem] Create and change folder in Gollem

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Apr 16 19:04:37 UTC 2008

Quoting jvp at alu.upct.es:

> Im trying to use File Manager (Gollem h3-1.0) with Horde 3.2-rc3.
> When I use the FTP Server backend it show the next error:
> Fatal error: Call to undefined method Horde_Template::setCloop() in
> /var/www/horde/gollem/manager.php on line 436
> , and I cant see the ftp items. How I Can repair it??

This was a BC break in Horde 3.2. I've restored the cloop feature in  
Horde_Template and the next RC will fix it for you. In the mean time  
you can use this version of Horde_Template:



"I have concerns that we are not behaving like a mature, responsible,  
collection of interdependent organisms." - Rick O.

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