[gollem] How do you hide files with the extension .lnk using 'filter' => '^regex$', ?

gimili gimili17 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 2 01:09:59 UTC 2009

Jan Schneider wrote:
> Zitat von gimili <gimili17 at gmail.com>:
>> How do you hide files with the extension .lnk using 'filter' => 
>> '^regex$', ?
>> I read
>> * filter: If set, all files that match the regex will be hidden in the
>> *         folder view.  The regex must be in pcre syntax (See
>> *         http://www.php.net/pcre).
>> and I searched google for examples but I still can't figure it out.
>> Any help appreciated.  Thanks!
> Did you try '\.lnk$'?
> Jan.
Thanks Jan!

It worked!

I added 'filter' => '\.lnk$', to gollem/config/backends.php

This worked for two extensions:  'filter' => '\.lnk$|\.ini$',

IMHO there is no point in my users seeing the .lnk files as they don't 
work anyway.

Gollem seems like a great tool!

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