[gollem] VFS_smb.php Directory Listing broken
Michael Herde
herde at tu-harburg.de
Fri May 29 11:31:50 UTC 2009
Horde 3.3.4 with Gollem H3 (1.1) - we found out that
VFS_smb.php (v line 385 ff of function listFolder()
// Split into columns at every six spaces
$split1 = preg_split('/\s{6,}/', trim($res[$r]));
// If the file name isn't . or ..
turns out a broken directory listing if there is a long filename in
conjunction with more than one Attribute setted (i.e. DA) because
there are less than 6 expected spaces between the name of the item and
the attribute list. the attribute list is more the one entry in this
case. Only if we hafe 6 or more spaces in between here the regex will
match correctly.
Example output of manualy listing of smbclient:
smb: \1b\rztmh\windows\test\> ls
. D 0 Wed May 27 15:18:42 2009
.. D 0 Thu May 28 16:04:56 2009
SystemHiddenReadonlyArchive DAHSR 0 Wed May 27 14:17:21 2009
Ein ziemlich langer Ordner mit vielen Buchstaben, der nicht kurz
ist D 0 Wed May 27 14:14:11 2009
Eine ziemlich lange Datei mit vielen Buchstaben, die nicht kurz
ist.txt A 0 Wed May 27 14:14:42 2009
Ordner mit Sonderzeichen & ( ) _ - toll D 0 Wed May 27
14:15:05 2009
Datei mit SOnderzeichen ¿ ? § µ ° juhuuu.txt A 0 Wed
May 27 14:15:38 2009
SystemHiddenReadonlyArchive.txt AHSR 0 Wed May 27 14:16:32 2009
SystemHiddenReadonlyArchive.txte AHR 31 Wed May 27 15:18:42 2009
49152 blocks of size 65536. 2 blocks available
turns out this strange broken directory listing
"SystemHiddenReadonlyArchive DAHSR" 0 Wed May 27 14:17:21 2009
as to see in the attached screenshot.
I'm not shure wether this is buggy or is it due to the settings of the
smbclient command line or environment. Any advice ?? Or should i post
it as a bug ? The regex should match the attribute column [DHARS] in
an appropriate way.
Michael Herde
freundliche Grüsse
Michael Herde
Anhänge (Die Links sind bis zum 30.06.2009 gültig)
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