[gollem] Problems with gollem-1.1 after upgrade

dt at admindu.de dt at admindu.de
Tue Jul 7 16:37:16 UTC 2009


today I upgraded my horde-installation from horde webmail 1.2.2 to  
1.2.3. I also upgraded gollem from 1.0.4 to 1.1 during this upgrade  
session. After the upgrade no files are listed when I click on  
File-Manager. The strange thing is, that I can create folders in the  
user's virtual homedir by using the "create directory" button. Also I  
can upload files to that dir an can see them in the filesystem on the  
server. But the file list in the browser still remains empty.

I used the horde upgrade function to copy the previous gollem configs.  
But I also tried to use the stock backends.php with as mine is a kind  
of custom. Here is my backends.php:


$authhome = "/".Auth::getAuth();

$backends['file'] = array(
     'name' => 'Virtual Home Directories',
     'driver' => 'file',
     'preferred' => '',
     'hordeauth' => false,
     'params' => array(
         // The base location under which the user home directories live.
         //'vfsroot' => '/serv/horde-vfs/gollem/',
         'vfsroot' => $authhome,
         // The default permissions to set for newly created folders and files.
         // 'permissions' => $conf['umask']
     'loginparams' => array(),
     'root' => $authhome,
     'home' => '',
     'createhome' => false,
     // 'filter' => '^regex$',
     // 'quota' => false,
     'clipboard' => true,
     'attributes' => array('type', 'name', 'download', 'modified',  
'size', 'permission', 'owner', 'group')


The idea behind the $authhome is, that a user is locked in his virtual  
homedir and cannot see others user's homedirs. But also with the stock  
backends.php, even with a clean new path, my file-list remains empty.  
I doublechecked the permission on the dirs. These are ok. If I switch  
back to gollem-1.0.4 I can see files but I have a bunch of strange  
paragraphs on top of the file listing called "rename", "create  
directory", "change directory" or attribute.

I would need help to either get gollem-1.1 running or witch back to  
gollem-1.0.4 without having the display problem.

Any help is appreciated. If you need any more information please contact me.

best regards


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