[gollem] Restricring access to gollem

Ruben Squartini ruben at auger.org.ar
Tue Jul 21 19:52:18 UTC 2009

Hi Joern!

I use a code hack on top of gollem-h3-1.1 to achieve that.

Strings are not tied to the .po files, just fixed for our application,  
Admins have full access anyway, authorized users can't go outside  
their homes.

Perhaps is worth to include this in the standard code?
Just let me know and I'll prepare whatever is necessary.

Patches follow:

====> Begin <====

> /* Limit users to their homes.
> *     Ruben Squartini <ruben at neodata.com.ar> (10-Mar-2009)
> */
> if (!Gollem::verifyDir($currdir) && !Auth::isAdmin()) {
>     $currdir = Gollem::getHome();
>     $notification->push(sprintf("You don't have access outside %s",  
> $currdir), 'horde.error');
> }

> /* Check that user is allowed to use Gollem.
>  *     Ruben Squartini <ruben at neodata.com.ar> (10-Mar-2009)
>  */
> if ($user) {
>     $notification->push(sprintf("User logged: %s", $user), 'horde.success');
>     if (Auth::isAdmin()) {
>         $notification->push(sprintf("User is Administrator"),  
> 'horde.success');
>     }
>     if ($user && ((@is_array($conf['user']['allowedlist']) &&  
> in_array($user, $conf['user']['allowedlist'])) || Auth::isAdmin())) {
>         if (!Auth::isAdmin()) {
>             $notification->push(sprintf("You are allowed to use this  
> module. Please be careful and follow IT policies."), 'horde.warning');
> 	}
>     } else {
>         $notification->push(sprintf("You are not allowed to use this  
> module!"), 'horde.error');
>         if (isset($_SESSION['gollem']) &&  
> is_array($_SESSION['gollem']) && ($_SESSION['gollem']['backend_key']  
> == $backend_key)) {
>             unset($_SESSION['gollem']);
>         }
>         header('Location: ' .  
> Auth::addLogoutParameters(Gollem::logoutUrl(), AUTH_REASON_FAILED));
>         exit;
>     }
> }

>    <configlist name="allowedlist" desc="Which users have access to  
> this module
>    apart from administrators (See  
> Horde->Authentication->$conf[auth][admins])?"
>    required="false"/>

=====> End <=====

I think that's all...


gollem-request at lists.horde.org ecribió:

> Date: Thu, 09 Jul 2009 12:04:57 +0200
> From: "J. W. Andersen" <jwa at fasytek.dk>
> Subject: [gollem] Restricring access to gollem
> To: gollem at lists.horde.org
> Message-ID: <4A55C0C9.7060604 at fasytek.dk>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> I have a dozen  user, which should be able to handle their e-mail via
> IMP, but only
> a few of these should have acces to gollem on the same system.
> How can I restrict access to gollem, once the users are autheticated via
> horde or imp ?
> Regards, Joern.-


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