[gollem] There are no backends available for the current user.

Simon Brereton simon.brereton at dada.net
Tue May 4 15:05:33 UTC 2010

> -----Original Message-----
> From: gollem-bounces at lists.horde.org [mailto:gollem-
> bounces at lists.horde.org] On Behalf Of Ruben Squartini
> Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 9:39 AM

> Hi!
> Check the "Administration -> Permissions" settings.
> In some installations you need to allow "All users" (or whoever you
> want) to access module (gollem) and engine (backends).


Actually, I already did this.  

I believe when I set up gollem, there was nothing in the permissions tab and it was working for me.  When I tried to demonstrate the feature to a user, I received an Authentication failed.  So, I added permissions on the basis of googling and troubleshooting - this is when it stopped working for me (my account is also listed as an Administrator account).  Whilst playing with Permission settings, I added permissions variously and in combination for all user, authenticated users, explicitly my account, nothing worked. 

Shortly before replying to this mail, I checked the settings  and added all permissions for authenticated users again (my account was still explicitly stated) - surprise!  It worked.  But only for me.  All other users receive a no backend error.  In a bid to troubleshoot, I added another user specifically - no joy.  I removed authenticated users; still my account and not the test user.  I then deleted all ftp permissions and now I can access the gollem backend, but all other users are receiving an Authentication to FTP server failed.  Hordeauth is set to full, and the backend is showing in the drop-down list.

I've checked and rechecked all the local file-system permissions.

I will try an SQL back-end, but this doesn't seem scalable to me.  Additionally, it's not optimal if I have to explicitly allow permissions for individual users (even though that hasn't worked for an default user other than my account) - the whole idea behind using hordeauth set to full is so that admin or extra login is avoided.

Thanks for trying to help though.


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