[gollem] gollem H4 (alpha2) hostspec config

Seth Green registrations at baruchgreen.net
Tue Oct 4 15:10:45 UTC 2011

Jan Schneider <jan <at> horde.org> writes:

> Zitat von Zoltan Arpadffy <zoli <at> polarhome.com>:
> > Hello,
> >
> > thank you for releasing gollem for H4.
> >
> > I was testing it during the weekend and realized that in H3 it was  
> > easy to take over the SESSION variables to provide a single sign on  
> > fature.
> >
> > I use IMP for authentication and later in gollem backend I reuse the  
> > server name with the same creditials, like:
> >
> > $backends['ftp'] = array(
> >     'name' => 'FTP Server',
> >     'driver' => 'ftp',
> >     'preferred' => '',
> >     'hordeauth' => true,
> >     'params' => array(
> >         // The hostname/IP Address of the FTP server
> >         'hostspec' => $_SESSION['imp']['server'],
> >         // The port number of the FTP server
> >         'port' => 21,
> > ... etc
> >
> > Unfortunately, in H4 the $_SESSION['imp']['server'] does not work...
> >
> > Is there any equivalent in H4?
> $GLOBALS['registry']->mail->server() will get you an array with IMP's  
> backend configuration.
> Jan.

Along similar lines, I'm trying to set up a very simple system on the local
filesystem (which worked fine for me under H3).  I'm logging in/authorizing via
IMP.  When I click on "File Manager" the web browser is asking for a new login
and I'm getting the following error in the Horde log:

User is not authorized for gollem [pid 9052 on line 1303 of

My backends.local.php has the following settings after enabling the file-system
backend (I changed disabled to false and set a vfsroot as a directory containing
subdirectories for each user -- all writable by the webserver):

$backends['file'] = array(
// Disabled by default
'disabled' => false,
'name' => 'Virtual Home Directories',
'driver' => 'file',
'preferred' => '',
'hordeauth' => false,
'params' => array(
// The base location under which the user home directories live.
'vfsroot' => '/usr/share/horde-home/',
// The default permissions to set for newly created folders and files.
// 'permissions' => $conf['umask']
'loginparams' => array(),
'root' => '/',
'home' => $GLOBALS['registry']->getAuth(),
// 'createhome' => false,
// 'filter' => '^regex$',
// 'quota' => false,
'clipboard' => true,
'attributes' => array('type', 'name', 'edit', 'download', 'modified', 'size',
'permission', 'owner', 'group')

These are the same as what I used to have under H3 (other than the change in
accessing the Auth username for the 'home' line that was made in the default
backends.php).  I've also tried hardcoding 'home' to a particular user's
subdirectory as a test and that fails as well.



Seth Green

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