[gollem] some thoughts about accessing smb shares
Stephan Lauffer
lauffer at ph-freiburg.de
Fri Feb 24 13:56:06 UTC 2012
...found an error... subdirs were not accessible, sorry.
btw... the diff is againts horde 4.0.13.
Am 24.02.2012 14:42, schrieb Stephan Lauffer:
> Hi Jan, hello others!
> Am 24.02.2012 11:32, schrieb Jan Schneider:
>> Zitat von Stephan Lauffer <lauffer at ph-freiburg.de>:
>>> Hello!
>>> Thank you for gollem! :)
>>> Ok... I think about mounting the so called homeDirectory of a windows
>>> user account into the filemanager, into gollem.
>>> Since we have a lot of different servers, paths it is not possible to
>>> get this working with static informations in backends.local.php.
>>> Right now I would like to ask a directory (via) ldap for this path. I
>>> think this would match for the most cases.
>>> My question is: Do you like this idea? What different ideas do you have?
>>> (and yes I'd like to code this feature if there is a goog chance to
>>> become this upstream afterwards).
>> That sounds far too specific to be integrated upstream, but nothing
>> speaks against implementing this locally in your configuration file
> Thank you for your fast response!
> Ok... I think nearly every windows domain user has a homedirectory but
> as you explained: It may be to specific for the most horde installations
> and so (poorly for mee) it will not go upstream.
> My question now is: Could you please be so kind and take a short look at
> my patch?
> Since I am new to the horde world I am realy not sure if the place and
> way how I patched it is done well. :-/
> My idea right now is...:
> [1] changes on gollem/config/backends.local.php
> Three new params for the smb backend: shareLdapURI (and optional
> shareLdapDN, shareLdapPW for non anonymous binds) to query the Microsoft
> ADS (or other ldap servers). The format of shareLdapURI is very close to
> the well known one from Apache called AuthLDAPURL.
> example:
> 'shareLdapURI' =>
> 'ldap://,dc=my,dc=foobar,dc=com?samAccountname?homeDirectory',
> 'shareLdapDN' => 'cn=foo bar,dc=my,dc=foobar,dc=com',
> 'shareLdapPW' => 'MySecret',
> So we search for homeDirectory where samAccountname=horde-use in the
> search base "ou=users,dc=my,dc=foobar,dc=com" at our domain controller
> So if there is a defined shareLdapURI in our backend config than...
> [2] changes on pear/php/Horde/Vfs/Smb.php
> Test if there is a homeDirectory path found in the DS. If not, fall back
> to the already known "share" params.
> Now... I don't know if this is a good place to things like this in
> Smb.php. And... maybe I had to take an horde specific ldap class...? How
> should I handle errors or warnings?
> It would be very helpfully for my to know what you think...
> Thank you!
> (may I should ask my question on the devel list...?)
Freundliche Gruesse,
Stephan Lauffer
[ University of Education Freiburg - Germany ]
[ http://www.ph-freiburg.de/zik/ ]
[ Fon/ Fax: +49 761 682 -559/ -486 ]
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