[gollem] Gollem not downloading >64k and memory issues
binaerklo at arcor.de
binaerklo at arcor.de
Fri Jul 20 08:33:43 UTC 2012
Dear List,
I'm running Gollem ( latest ) on H4 (latest) off a FreeBSD9 install against a mySQL backend.
I have two issues
When I UPload a bigger file, say, 500 MB, PHP runs into the well-known memory exhausted/allocated error even if I have set the php.ini memory limit to 2,3, or even 4 GB - no matter what I change it to, after restarting apache22 the error persists. I have played around with various sizes and it seems that around 2 GB mem does the trick for a 300 MB file while a 500 MB file fails even with disabled! limit as per the troubleshooting documentary. The box has 36 GB RAM available.
I'm attempting to DOWNload files from Gollem which works as long as the file is smaller than 64kBytes.
Any file bigger than that ( see first paragraph ) will only have 64kBytes when I download it.
The d/l is completed but, the target app runs into unexpected EOF.
Jul 20 09:03:08 bitbox HORDE: [horde] PHP ERROR: Undefined index: params [pid 7757 on line 36 of "/usr/local/www/horde/lib/Block/Account.php"]
Any hints ?
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