[gollem] File backend issue

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Aug 7 20:31:11 UTC 2012

Zitat von binaerklo at arcor.de:

> Dear List,
> I seem to not get the point on how I can segregate users within  
> gollem on a file-driver backend.
> EVERY user CAN go beyond his root and back up again to shares of  
> others. I want these to be jailed but
> have a dedicated user for overall browsing, how can I acomplish that ?
> Here's the relevant part of my backends.local.php:
>   // The base location under which the user home directories live.
>         'vfsroot' => '/usr/local/www/repository/external',
>      // The default permissions to set for newly created folders and files.
>         // 'permissions' => 0750
>     ),
>     'loginparams' => array(),
>     'root' => '/',
>     'home' => $GLOBALS['registry']->getAuth(),
>     // 'createhome' => false,
>     // 'filter' => '^regex$',
>     // 'quota' => false,
> Dan

'root' is your jail, so if you want to lock in all but one user you  
need to use something like:

'root' => $GLOBALS['registry']->getAuth() == 'superuser' ? '/' : ('/'  
. $GLOBALS['registry']->getAuth())

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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