[gollem] Gollem 3.0.0 RC1 issue

Brent impuser at bitrealm.com
Sat Dec 29 14:45:30 UTC 2012

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> Zitat von Brent <impuser at bitrealm.com>:
>> I have it set to use horde_auth and use vsftp.  I get folders, but  
>> if I click on a file, I get:
>> A fatal error has occurred
>> Unable to open VFS file.
>> 1. Horde_Vfs_Ftp->readStream() /var/www/html/horde-new/gollem/view.php:42
>> If I edit the view.php file and change line 42 from:
>> $stream = $gollem_vfs->readStream($vars->dir, $vars->file);
>> to this:
>> $data = $gollem_vfs->read($vars->dir, $vars->file);
>> It works.  It seems that the following if statement is returning  
>> "true", and doesn't work if it is true on my system:
>> if (is_callable(array($gollem_vfs, 'readStream'))) {
>> I have vfs defined as the sql database Horde, so I'm not sure what  
>> is going on here.
>> brent
> This doesn't make sense, first you say you use FTP, at the end you  
> say you configured VFS to use SQL.

Administration>Configuration>Horde>Virtual File Storage:  SQL Database  
with Horde Defaults.

I have no idea what in my configuration is using VFS as I don't use  
virtual anything in Horde.  When I setup gollem, I was getting the  
gollem_vfs error above, which I assume is related to the Horde VFS  
Setting.  I am using vsftp for the gollem backend, no idea why gollem  
is throwing an error that SEEMS to be VFS related.


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