[gollem] Home-Link

Christopher Neuhaus cne at ruhrverband.de
Sat Jun 15 13:18:15 UTC 2013

Am 14.06.2013 10:29, schrieb Jan Schneider:
> Zitat von Christopher Neuhaus <cne at ruhrverband.de>:
>> Hi!
>>> Zitat von Christopher Neuhaus <cne at ruhrverband.de>:
>>>> Hi Jan,
>>>> sorry my comment was too short.
>>>>> Zitat von Christopher Neuhaus <cne at ruhrverband.de>:
>>>>>> Hi List!
>>>>>> We have configured gollem to use smb to connect to private and
>>>>>> public
>>>>>> company folders.
>>>>>> Everything works fine. Thank you for this greate module.
>>>>>> Because of the smb-Link to our private folders, we don't want to
>>>>>> use the
>>>>>> Horde "Home"-Directory.
>>>>> I don't understand this rationale.
>>>> Every colleague of my company has his own "Home"-Directory on the
>>>> network drive in his M$ File-Explorer.
>>>> Especially for Roadwarriors, this drive is also accessible over
>>>> horde/gollem.
>>>> If someone would now use the Home-Directory in Horde for his personal
>>>> data, this would not be backed up on our central file-backupserver and
>>>> would not be accessible in his M$ Explorer.
>>> I still don't understand what this has to do with the home folder.
>>> That link just points to the start folder of the currently selected
>>> backend.
>> Yes, but I have not selected this backend. I`ve chosen ...
>> $backends['smb'] = array(
>> [...]
>>     'disabled' => false,
>> [...]
>> I can not deselect the default.
> So you just want to hide the default backend, and not hide the "Home
> Folder" link!? Then what do you mean with that you cannot unselect it?
> Don't you know? It's explained in backends.php. Or did you disable it
> and it didn't work?
I have disabled all but the smb backend above. I thought, this should be
the only one, which is shown.
>>>>>> There is nothing but smb enabled in backends(.local).
>>>>>> Where can we do to make the Link "Home" invisible?
>>>>> Hide it with CSS. There is a hook in Horde to include custom CSS
>>>>> files.
>>>> Thanks for this hint, but I think our file-structure is not so exotic.
>>>> Perhaps this option should also be modifiable on other way in
>>>> future?!.
>>> What does that have to do with the file structure? This is how you
>>> hide elements in the interface that cannot be turned off otherwise.
>> Your right. I just wanted to illustrate the association of the name
>> personal "Home"-Folder.

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