[gollem] Are there any differences between connecting Samba Servers or Windows Servers

Andrew Watkins andrew at dcs.bbk.ac.uk
Fri Apr 29 15:01:25 UTC 2016

On 04/26/16 21:54, Andrew Watkins wrote:
> On 4/26/2016 1:15 PM, Jan Schneider wrote:
>> Zitat von Andrew Watkins <andrew at dcs.bbk.ac.uk>:
>>> On 04/25/16 16:50, Andrew Watkins wrote:
>>>> Hopefully my last question.
>>>> I have connected to a Samba server but have had no luck connecting 
>>>> to a Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise 6.1.
>>>> Configuration:
>>>> $backends['smbi']['disabled'] = true;
>>>> $backends['smbi']['name'] = 'I drive';
>>>> $backends['smbi']['driver'] = 'smb';
>>>> $backends['smbi']['hordeauth'] = true;
>>>> $backends['smbi']['params']['hostspec'] = 'win2008';
>>>> $backends['smbi']['params']['domain'] = 'dcsnt';
>>>> $backends['smbi']['params']['port'] = 139;
>>>> $backends['smbi']['params']['share'] = 'sdata';
>>>> $backends['smbi']['params']['smbclient'] = '/usr/bin/smbclient';
>>>> $backends['smbi']['loginparams'] = array();
>>>> $backends['smbi']['shares'] = true;
>>>> If I change host name to a samba system it works:
>>>> SAMBA setup:
>>>> % /usr/bin/smbclient -L SambaServer -U andrew
>>>> Enter andrew's password:
>>>> Domain=[DCSNT] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.6]
>>>>        Sharename       Type      Comment
>>>>        ---------       ----      -------
>>>>        andrew          Disk      Home Directories
>>>> Domain=[DCSNT] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.6.25]
>>>>        Server               Comment
>>>>        ---------            -------
>>>>        Workgroup            Master
>>>>        ---------            -------
>>>>        DCSNT                xxxx
>>>> Windows Server information:
>>>> % /usr/bin/smbclient -L w2008 -U andrew
>>>> Enter andrew's password:
>>>> Domain=[DCSNT] OS=[Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise 7601 Service 
>>>> Pack 1] Server=[Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise 6.1]
>>>>        Sharename       Type      Comment
>>>>        ---------       ----      -------
>>>>        sdata           Disk
>>>> Connection to bloomsburyfs failed (Error NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL)
>>>> NetBIOS over TCP disabled -- no workgroup available
>>>> As you can tell smbclient does not end nicely so it could be that.
>>>> Thought I would ask before I look into more.
>>>> Thanks
>>> No luck so far, but it looks like smbclient has no problem accessing 
>>> the Windows share, so guess I need to look at PHP or horde
>>> # smbclient //pc-aw1/utils -U wstudent%password
>>> Domain=[DCSNT] OS=[Windows 7 Enterprise N 7601 Service Pack 1] 
>>> Server=[Windows 7 Enterprise N 6.1]
>>> smb: \> ls
>>>   .                                   D        0  Mon Jan 18 
>>> 15:29:41 2016
>>>   ..                                  D        0  Mon Jan 18 
>>> 15:29:41 2016
>>>   MyCode                              D        0  Tue Feb 2 13:03:42 
>>> 2016
>>>   PQuota2                             D        0  Wed Jan 27 
>>> 13:52:44 2016
>>>   tvnjviewer                          D        0  Wed Jan 6 15:19:31 
>>> 2016
>>>                 59604 blocks of size 8388608. 44087 blocks available
>>> smb: \> pwd
>>> Current directory is \\pc-aw1\utils\
>>> # smbclient -L //pc-aw1 -U wstudent%password
>>> Domain=[DCSNT] OS=[Windows 7 Enterprise N 7601 Service Pack 1] 
>>> Server=[Windows 7 Enterprise N 6.1]
>>>         Sharename       Type      Comment
>>>         ---------       ----      -------
>>>         ADMIN$          Disk      Remote Admin
>>>         C$              Disk      Default share
>>>         IPC$            IPC       Remote IPC
>>>         Utils           Disk
>>> Connection to pc-aw1 failed (Error NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED)
>>> NetBIOS over TCP disabled -- no workgroup available
>> It still returns an error, that's probably catched by the Smb driver 
>> for Gollem.
> You are right. I now see the problem, but who to blame ;-)
> For information, when netbios on a windows server is disabled port 139 
> is not accessible and "smbclient" tries to connect to port 139, this 
> is why it returns and error "Connection to pc-aw1 failed (Error 
> This does not seem to be a problem to mount drives in samba world, but 
> I guess Gollem test return error codes, so fails.
> As soon as I re-enable netbios on the windows server, I don't get any 
> errors and Gollem works 100%.
> # smbclient -L //pc-aw1 -U wstudent%password
> Domain=[DCSNT] OS=[Windows 7 Enterprise N 7601 Service Pack 1] 
> Server=[Windows 7 Enterprise N 6.1]
>         Sharename       Type      Comment
>         ---------       ----      -------
>         ADMIN$          Disk      Remote Admin
>         C$              Disk      Default share
>         IPC$            IPC       Remote IPC
>         Utils           Disk
> Domain=[DCSNT] OS=[Windows 7 Enterprise N 7601 Service Pack 1] 
> Server=[Windows 7 Enterprise N 6.1]
>         Server               Comment
>         ---------            -------
>         Workgroup            Master
>         ---------            -------
> #
> I find it strange that Samba haven't fixed this, but I don't see any 
> bugs about it. I will ask them to see if they think it is a bug or 
> feature!
> Thanks,
> Andrew
I was using samba 3.6, but by install samba 4 it all works fine.



Andrew Watkins * Birkbeck, University of London * Computer Science *
* http://notallmicrosoft.blogspot.com *
* UKOUG Systems SIG Chair * formaly Solaris SIG *
* UKOUG Tech committee *

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