[gollem] "Not supported" message while a file upload

Christian Schoepplein c.schoepplein at musin.de
Wed Jun 21 14:40:39 UTC 2017


I am using the latest horde and gollem packages and have configured a 
samba backend for my users. The backend definition looks like this, 
$servername is queried befor via a sql statement because the users are 
located on different servers:

    $backends['smb'] = array(
      'disabled' => false,
      'name' => 'Home Verzeichnis auf Schulserver',
      'driver' => 'smb',
      'hordeauth' => true,
      'params' => array(
        'hostspec' => $servername,
        'port' => 139,
        'share' => 'homes',
        'smbclient' => '/usr/bin/smbclient',
        'permissions' => '750'
      'loginparams' => array(
          // Allow the user to change to Samba server.
          // 'hostspec' => '$servername',
          // Allow the user to change the Samba port.
          // 'port' => 'Port',
          // Allow the user to change the Samba share.
          // 'share' => 'Share',
      // 'root' => '',
      // 'home' => '',
      'createhome' => false,
      // 'filter' => '^regex$',
      'quota' => false,
      'attributes' => array(

When the users try to upload a file they get a message that just shows 
"Not supported" and the file is not stored on the server. If the upload 
is repeated immediately after the first try, the upload works and the 
file shows up on the server.

So the upload seems to be working, but it has to be repeated because the 
first try failes.

Has anyone a hint what the "not supported" message means and why the 
upload is not working during the first try? How can I debug this 
behaviour? I did not find something related in the webserver logs on the 
horde server, on our reverse proxy or on the samba backend :-(.

Cheers and thanks for any hint,


Christian Schoepplein

Landeshauptstadt Muenchen
Referat fuer Bildung und Sport
Zentrum fuer Informationstechnologie im Bildungsbereich (ZIB)
- Netze und Servermanagement

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